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  1. now worried all my hair will have fallen out by morning or I will wake up in the night with anaphylaxis from the cream or whether to wash it out (but my shower pump is noisy and will likely disturb the neighbours)
  2. Garfield I just want to say I'm sorry you're going through all this, it's a lot. I have an elderly mother and while she's not got alzheimer's it's is challenging and pretty relentless at times taking care of her needs as well as my own. So I realise it will be far more difficult with a parent who's got additional needs. I think I understand what you are saying about becoming fixated on what someone says. I think it can be a normal stress response. People are being a lot less friendly since the pandemic and quite honestly, it sounded to me like you had done the task with the labels well enough! While that person might not have meant too much by it, I think sometimes our brain seizes on things because of all the other things we've had to let go of that were also unfair or stressful, so then something happens at a time of heightened stress and it sticks. Is there anything you like to do that helps you relax? Can you schedule in more of this anywhere in the coming week?
  3. Hi everyone desperately need help to calm down. I've spent time away with a friend, returned home and my skin is itching constantly. My friend is unaffected, but then she's unaffected by everything in life, not so me, lol. I think it might be headlice, purely because my head was itching terribly for the last two nights. I've smothered it in conditioner and tonight moisturiser (ran out of conditioner) and the itching has gone away by about 98%, but still getting the odd itch on my body and finding little black or white specs. The main problem was my head but it's not confined to there. Never had anything like this and I'm convinced I've brought bed bugs back but there's no evidence of that. My brain is on hyper vigilance every evening as that is when the itching starts. It's so bad I'm worried what is affecting me, so much so that if it's 'just' head lice I'll be relieved. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow as I have another problem to discuss anyway. My brain is trying to solve by looking at every dark spec in my home, and now I realise there are many, only one of which was a definitive insect that I cannot identify. I'm staying out of the house every day until late at night because I'm worried fleas have come in on a new rug. I smothered my hair in moisturiser tonight and tied it back, but then I felt a burning sensation and worrying that I'm allergic to the cream and will develop anaphylaxis (that sensation has stopped now but do I sleep. I am looking to be certain I know what this is, and because it's definitely something, I now want it to be head lice because that will mean nothing is now living in my home, just me and it's just me to treat. My mind is also affected by the crawling sensation, all over, though since I've treated my head that seems to have gone away quite a bit. I have ocd but also ptsd, so I'm extremely anxious this will make me really ill, or won't go away, or it will be bed bugs, or something else that's hard to get rid of, or some horrible rare thing. I've developed indigestion tonight since smothering my head in that moisturiser, happened straight afterwards, so now I'm telling myself that I'm allergic to the moisturiser and it's not indigestion, it's my windpipe swelling up (how would I know?) I think you all get the picture. I'm trying to bring this thing under control but at the same time I have to bring my mind under control. And I seem to be anxious of so much lately anyway I'd appreciate any advice or experience with this sort of thing. Thanks everyone.
  4. Thanks Veryblue You confirm what I know to be true. It's uncomfortable the amount of pressure I'm experiencing from her. One day I was genuinely ill and I cancelled in good time with the office. She still called. I see that as pushing boundaries. I know therapists must push people, but this isn't the same thing, I just know it.
  5. I won't be responding to any more comments on this thread as it's an old thread and I only popped back to it out of courtesy to respond to those who'd been on it before.
  6. Yes I'm aware they don't just 'go away.' And I'm aware I need to follow the matter up to safeguard my health. I have an appointment coming up.
  7. it's not just ocd, it's also ptsd. I'm aware of how 'utterly irrational' it is, that's why I've asked repeatedly for help and I'm not getting it. I HAVE been honest with my physician. And I am aware there won't always be an alternative treatment. I am seeking help. I have been repeatedly for a long time.
  8. you haven't told me anything I don't know only too well. You don't know my past or my history or what I already know. No you haven't shocked or scared me as I'm already that about things related to ptsd. Don't be so judgemental. If someone cannot do something, they cannot do it. Your response above won't make them do it. If it did they wouldn't need to see a therapist. I'm fully aware of how dangerous this situation could be. This is supposed to be a support forum. I'm beginning to think I should start reporting posts.
  9. The crux of it is that her approach seems almost irritable and skeptical. No underlying knowledge of how ptsd and ocd operate. So lacks the empathy. Asking the questions a lay person in the street might ask. I can do that myself. I've had good therapy in the past and I know this isn't it.
  10. I have and she analyses that too. I have a lot of experience of therapy. I know when it's not right and the issue can no longer be addressed with the person in question.
  11. Anyone? We do have a right to say when something's not right. Always. Even with a therapist! Anyone have any advice or experience on this situation?
  12. I know you guys are right. It boils down to not wanting sickness or diarrhoea and not wanting any remote possibility of that, even if it's remote. And unfortunately after my last post I then spoke to a friend and she said she'd had a terrible reaction. And there we have it. I sat with a temperature for 3 days before things improved by themselves. I know you are both right but sometimes it's paralysis to make the change. I'm working on it. Thanks for both responding though as I think reading your responses was to some extent making me face things, even though I didn't take them.
  13. Thanks I don't know. I will ask, my appointment is soon. The infection has 'gone' as far as I can tell. I appreciate you getting back to me Handy.
  14. Hi everyone. I mentioned once before that I didn't feel comfortable with my therapist. I've given it a try and I remain not happy. I don't mean to sound like someone who's not grateful, but I don't think she has the experience to help. She is more like an investigator than a therapist with an awareness of how ocd and ptsd operate. I know because I've had therapy before, twice, and both times the therapists were really powerful in helping me. I'm not criticising her, I can see where she's coming from on everything but I just don't think her level of skill is right for what I'm presenting with. She has confirmed it as well when she told me her job role. I thought I was working with a psychologist specialising in CBT. Not so. I also get the feeling she's not allowing me any autonomy. I requested to cancel one day because I was very unwell. She called anyway to discuss the cancellation. I see that as pushing boundaries. I am just uncomfortable about a number of things. I feel I can't even question it with her or request someone else. Does anyone know how therapy is organised in the NHS, as I want to request seeing a psychologist but feel that even that request will be 'analysed' by her as well. She will be great for some others, but not me. Surely that's ok?
  15. So I contacted my surgery electronically. I got a call back from reception. She said she's spoken to the doctor and the doctor says they cannot advise on dental matters. This isn't a dental matter, the antibiotics are the dental treatment. The anxiety is a health matter for my surgery. I do understand they are busy but I strongly suspect reception (from the way they've been for a couple of decades now, not just recently with covid etc) have just spun me a yarn. I will be talking to the doctor soon about another issue and I will ask them about this. So, back to the dentist. What can they do if I won't take the antibiotics? Well, I know what BOTH establishments could do but are failing to do. TALK TO THE PATIENT.
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