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I'm never going to beat this thing

Guest JC123

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I'm never going to beat this thing, I feel that in trying all my best to try and beat some of the compulsions but my OCD just shoves it back in my face. This is especially to do with my exposure I'm doing for my CBT. I have to try and touch the side of the chair which I think is contaminated but I just keep putting it of, the other exposure is my bedroom wall again I can't touch it for contamination issues but also I can't look at it without looking at the opposite wall afterwards, so my mum said why don't you just touch it and then wash your hands and so I think ok I'll do it in a minute and then I put it off and I keep putting I off. I just feel so stupid that I can't do something so simple :'(.

The other thing is, is that I have been feeling dizzy and have been getting headaches everyday, so my mum said phone the doctor up then, but I can't because I find it really difficult phoning people up and also I hate going into the doctors because of contamination again. Its making me really upset which is stupid, I'm stupid

Sorry to go on and on

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