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Off meds but feel physically bad

Guest Zee

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Hi :original:

I tapered down from 20 mg to 10 mg citlaopram over one month then stopped. I was also taking 15 mg mirtazapine to and went to 7.5 mg for a month then stopped. I feel ok ocd wise, however im having trouble getting and staying asleep and when i do sleep i have mad dreams all night,

Could this be due to stopping meds? Today i also have back ache and feel a bit sick....any ideas??? Im tempted to carry on with 7.5 mg of mirtazapine just to get some sleep.

Thanks Zee

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Hi zee,

Sleep trouble could well be due to decrease in mirtazapine, it's known to knock you out. I came off 30mg mirtazapine about a month ago and since then I have broken sleep every night, I'm awake on and off from 3am.

Maybe go and see your GP ?

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Guest kittykat


Sorry your experiencing these symptoms have you tried jusy lying down and breathing and just becoming aware of where you feel the discomfort. Even if for 2 minutes you can just lie down and focus on your breathe in and out then bring that breathe into your physical symptoms it takes practice, but if you can just give yourself permission to do this you will see that the symptoms will pass, the more we try to hold onto them the more resistance we create and then the mind starts thinking there is something wrong and i need to pay attention to it.

Just let it be, there are some cds you can buy on doing body scans not only are these wonderful for anxiety and depression they are good for physical symptoms, just like anxiety let them be dont pay them any attention. It takes practice and your symptoms may get worse, but just give yourself permission to be gentle and kind to yourself, go and lie down now and just let it be, it may feel painful but remember you are safe nothing is going to harm you.

Keep practising and if you do need to go back to you GP thats ok, its not a sign of weakness, it just that you need a bit more support and thats ok too.

kitty xxx

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Thank you Snow, Blue and Kitty :original:

Im doing well, 5 days of the meds and im able to sleep, have backache (not sure if related). Im taking it easy, meditating and getting on with life - fingers crossed all will be ok.


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