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There is Light at the End of the Tunnel!

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Hi guys, I've not posted in a while but I thought that I would let you all know how I am getting on. As I'm sure a lot of you are aware, my problem for quite some time has been false memories and I really think that I have started to make some progress. I keep getting new ones but I am ploughing onwards, for me distraction techniques have been a godsend. My OCD thoughts don't occupy my every waking moment any more and I am getting more and more able to go about daily life with them just bubbling away in the background. I still get upset of course but have been working hard to stop compulsions, I don't obsessively google any more and haven't asked for reassurance in a while. In a nutshell I am beginning to feel more positive about life in general, I hope everyone is well and that you're taking care of yourselves :)

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Good for you, rabbit. The less attention you pay the thoughts, the better off you'll be. Keep on living and doing the things you need to day in and day out. That right there regains part of your self and allows you to continue on, despite having the thoughts intrude on you.

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