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My Daughter's Summer Trip

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Hello. Last year my daughter travelled abroad with her mom for one month to visit relatives. She had a blast. Only thing is that it was a 12 hour flight, and she threw up the first day she arrived. I'm not sure if it was because she wasn't used to the food that she tried when she got there, or just that she didn't eat while on the plane.

Now she wants to go back with her mom. I keep thinking that what if she throws up again, and can that be deadly. I also want to consult with our primary care before allowing her to go. Is this all ocd?

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Thank you Polar Bear. Should I be applying the rule "if it sounds like OCD, it is OCD?". I told myself this feels like OCD, but could not get myself to get past it. I want to be sure that the next time something like this pops into my mind, I am more ready to deal with it.


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