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Same worry keeps coming back

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I opened up to a doctor regarding intrusive thoughts, but got the impression it wasn't fully understood. Though I understand them quite well now and have mentioned them to two therapists, so know how they work, and that they are safe. Since this knowledge I don't tend to get them. But I know my doctors well, but this particular doctor was only standing in. I keep worrying as I didn't think he totally understood that he may have considered if risk involved and therefore spoke to different doctors who know me better to see what I am like. This was well over a year ago but it keeps haunting me, thinking each time I see a doctor they may think I bad person cos they may not understand the nature of the Ocd thoughts.

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So what if they think you're a bad person? You know different. You know OCD and at the end of the day that's all that matters. OCDUK has an icebreaker sheet on the main website that you can print out and give to a doctor. It might be worth a look see.

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Thanks, I worry too much what people think, I get on really well with my doctors, so would hate them to be aware because of this other doctor. A part of me can rationalise the fact that if they thought the thoughts risk, they would have done something about it

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I worry about the same thing. I haven't  had the intrusive thoughts for years (used to until I was treated) but I obsess about the impact of having told doctors about it before and it being on my records. I am usually able to deal with this fear but changing gp at the moment, so fear is at its most acute. I know when I say I've had/got OCD I'll have to give my history and I'll worry about this. It's something in the past but I feel I can't leave it there. 

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