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Was This Animal Cruelty?

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Hello. A couple of days before Christmas my father asked me if I could stay at his house for the evening and part of the next day to watch his new dog which is about two months old. I've never watched a dog before, and he explained to me how to take care of him- including when to feed him, how often to take him out, etc. He told me that if I need to leave for an hour or two that's fine, but to keep the dog in its crate when I leave so he wont ruin anything around the house (since he's not yet fully trained). I ended up leaving to get dinner, but decided not to leave the dog in his crate since I felt bad to keep the dog in there the whole time, plus I though it was unnecessary since I thought the dog would be fine staying in a fenced in area within the house which he was used to and which had plenty of space. When I came back he was fine.

The next day, when I was talking him outside, I don't know what happened- maybe he smelled something on my leg. He started to non stop growl and bite and attack the bottom of my leg near my ankle and right above. His leash was kind of short, so, at first, I just held him away from me hoping he'd calm down. However, he kept growling and wouldn't stop coming at me with trying to bite. At one point I had to let go of his leash and try and get away from him, but he was too fast. I then tried to push his mouth away with my foot. He still wouldn't stop, so the next time he came at me I kicked his face hoping that then he'd get scared and stop. He still didn't stop so I may have kicked him again once or twice. I didn't kick as hard as I could. I don't really remember how hard it was when I kicked him which is one of the problems. Now I feel that this might have been animal cruelty which is one of the lowest things I can imagine. I wish I just got up on the hood of my car or something since my car was nearby. I keep trying to imagine how hard I actually kicked but don't remember.

Eventually he stopped and we went back into the house. I don't remember anything being wrong with him after that or him being in any pain. My father hasn't told me that there's been anything wrong with the dog. So, was this animal cruelty? Did I act wrong in the situation, or am I over thinking this?

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I work at an animal shelter, and I don't think this is animal cruelty. It sounds like he was attacking you, unless he just plays very roughly? To be clear, it's still NOT okay for a dog to play that rough if that's what he was doing. 

Either way, you were only kicking him to get him to stop biting you and it doesn't even sound like you kicked him hard. You weren't doing it because you wanted to hurt him, you were doing it to defend yourself. 

Personally, I've slapped a dog before because he wouldn't stop jumping at my face. He wasn't even attacking or anything, and my slap was pure reflex. I obviously felt terrible though and immediately cried lol. My point is, this is not animal cruelty and you are definitely over thinking it. Now have your Dad get his dog some training! 


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You are asking for reassurance. You've already got it but hopefully you don't get anymore. 

I know you're sitting there thinking about this, over and over. You've got OCD and that means the importance of minor things gets blown all out of proportion.

Leave this alone. Chick it up to experience and let it go. Get on with your day and do your best not to ruminate over it.

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Thank you guys. I told my dad that the dog was biting me, but didn't say that I kicked him to try and get him to stop. Should I call to ask how the dog is doing? Also, do I need to say I kicked the dog? He didn't tell me that there was anything wrong with the dog, but what if something is wrong and he just doesn't know?

Another thing is I'm not sure exactly how hard I kicked the dog. It wasn't as hard as I could, but it wasn't just a tap either. Also, although I did it so the dog would stop biting, it was probably also influenced in part by anger at the fact that the dog wouldn't stop.

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