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sertraline, risperidone, clonazepam together - side effects

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21 yr old son has been prescribed 200mg  sertraline, 2x0.5mg risperidone and 3 x 0.5mg clonazepam (taken first thing and last thing at night)  - as he had been really struggling - not able to get up, dress etc ... i.e. function ( as he's at unie needs to be able to - done very well to get that far) .He finds it very very hard to get up - feels really very tired and thus misses most of the day making his anxiety even worse as he loses time to catch up on missed work - always chasing to catch up and never quite make it - all very anxiety inducing for anyone let alone those suffering with OCD.    

Any ideas on this  please - I keep saying to go back to psychiatrist as the meds..  should make him feel better not worse.?   


Many thanks 






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For my ocd I only take one serteline 100 mg. And my ocd was at its worst 6 years ago. Anti depressant affect people differently some don’t get side affects some do. But if you think it affect to much you should go and see a doctor at mental health hospital. And they can advice you on what to do.

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None of us has the experience or knowledge to comment on such a chemical cocktail and how it might affect him. He should be talking to the prescribing physician or at least a pharmacist.

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