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Clenching/ grinding teeth and picking at skin on fingertips

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I’ve been doing these things excessively lately and I’ve been getting headaches because of the teeth grinding. Not to mention the fact that my fingers look bad and have bled.

im pretty sure these things are caused by my anxiety, and at the moment I’m having trouble figuring out WHY I’m so anxious. My ocd has been present but not terrible.

i guess the point of my post is, do other people have experience with this? Any tips or advice on stopping?

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I do similar things, most commonly I pick at things like the arm of a chair, the wax or paint on a table or the rubber on my shoe. It confuses me a fair bit too as for whatever reason I'm compelled to do it but it doesn't follow my usual OCD system or have any obvious criteria. I guess it's my OCD trying to create and fix a problem. It is confusing.

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