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2 years down, 5 months to go

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Hi everyone, I've been waiting 2 years for therapy now and I understand I've still got around 5 months to wait, which is torture.  I've read Paul Salkovski''s latest book and have recently been looking up Youtube videos by Randy Frost and Gail Steketee.  I really don't know how to cope any longer before I get to the top of the waiting list.  Thanks for listening.

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Hi there - I replied to your post last Monday and my advice still holds. Read the literature AND accept the kind offer from the Mind person and do a little bit about the hoarding.  Paul Salkoversi is perhaps best known for being one of the writers Break Free From OCD and CBT for OCD. I have also seen him twice on telly dealing specifically with hoarding issues and was stuck by his kindness and sympathetic approach. Given the constraints of therapeutic time, Randy O Frost and Gail Sketetee do advocate the use of a ‘coach’ but this being part of a planned intervention with the therapist. I think developing a coaching relationship might be a good strategy.

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