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Exposure overdue

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Hi ,

Can you overdue on exposing yourself? I ve been trying to do some self help techniques and exposing yourself is ofc a past of it - but can you do to much? Can you push yourself to fast ? I just dont wont to worsen this even more. 


Thank you!

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Hi luna,

It's a bit of a tricky balance when it comes to exposure exercises. We do have to push ourselves to face our fears to make progress.....but by the same token in answer to your question, yep it is possible to bite-off more than we can chew by going too fast and sensitize rather than habituate to the fears. It's something I unfortunately did when I began using self-help books alone before seeing a CBT therapist and learnt the best course of action's to draw up a hierarchy of fears and steadily work your way from something that causes a little anxiety and up towards a fear that's causing the most.

Basically the mantra with ERP's 'slow and steady always wins the race.':)

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Yes, you can do too much, but I also find it difficult to do it slowly. For me it's either black or white. If I give in to the first checking impulse it gets worse throughout the day. I never can resist a whole day but the longer the better the day. I read in the self-help-books  to do it slowly and step by step but for me it seems to be comparable to a  drug additiction in THIS context: If you have the first glass or the first pill that's it. But not to give in at all is also hell. This anxiety level is unbearable. I definitely worsened the situation by pushing too fast but doing it slowly also doesn't work.

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It's a fine line. Yes you can overdo ERP by going to fast, which can result in a blip. On the other hand you have to be prepared to push yourself, it is very easy to make excuses, like my OCD is too bad today.

The way I did it with my therapist was to make a list starting with the most distressing exposure. Then I worked my way up the list gradually starting with the least distressing exposure.

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Thank you all so much for your answers. I am trying to find this balance and to at least start to recognise the compulsions , those mysterious creatures. I ll try to balance and not overwork myself.

Have a nice day xxx

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