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Sixth forms

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Hi I’m suffering from OCD which surrounds getting ill and contamination it is seriously effecting my life. I am also having lots of days off sixth form  because of my anxiety and anxiety related issues because as you can imagine it is a anxiety causing environment lots of ill people etc and  I was just wondering wether there is anything sixth forms can to do help and other peoples experience with support at post 16.

Thank you ?

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I'm sorry you're going through this. School was a nightmare for me because of my OCD which focused on germs/contamination/vomiting. 

Now I work in a college and any student with mental health issues is supported in pretty much any way they need. Does your sixth form know about your OCD?

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Hi  we have told them I’m struggling with anxiety but not that’s it’s actually OCD. I don’t know wheather to tell them or not to be really honest. They haven’t been very helpful with anxiety in the past to be really honest.  


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