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I’m pretty sure it is but I’m curious to know if others agree. This isn’t a compulsion but a genuine question so I know how to handle the situation.

My OCD has mostly taken the form of timing or measuring things. Sleep is one of those. Mostly I’m fine, but I have to be in bed by 11pm at the latest on a work night. In the past I’ve embarrassed my wife by doing things like going to a barbecue at her friend’s house and then asking every few minutes after 10pm if we can leave. This was before I knew I had OCD. I look back now and it was surely a compulsion to make sure I was in bed by a certain time so I could have ‘enough’ sleep.

I won’t go on flights in the middle of the night as I panic about getting enough sleep. And because I panic it stops me sleeping. 

I’m fine getting up early during the week as I know I have to work. But I think at weekends I have a ‘rule’ that I need to sleep later than 9am. Usually I do, but if I wake up early and can’t get back to sleep I get very anxious and depressed. I try not to plan things that will require me to get up earlier than 8.30 at the earliest. 

My brother’s girlfriend has just booked a surprise for his birthday which means I have to get up at 7am on a Sunday. When I heard this I panicked and got into a bit of a state arguing with my wife about it. I contacted the girlfriend and asked if she could change it to a later time, but she said they were all booked up. I said it was fine, but I’m worrying and I really want to ask my boss if I can take the Monday morning off work so I can sleep late that morning instead and still get my 2 late mornings.

Does this sound like OCD, and should I therefore avoid taking the morning off just to reassure myself I can make up for the early morning?

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Hi Kaheath,

what is it that worries you so much about not getting enough sleep? It could be OCD-related (as almost anything can be!) but it could also be just general anxiety about feeling rubbish if you don't get enough sleep etc.  What are you trying to prevent by getting enough sleep? What do you fear would happen if you didn't?

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I think it's OCD. You measure things regularly. Are you still weighing yourself a lot? 

You come up with really, silly rules that you think you have to follow. You don't. Too much routine is never good. You need yo change things up ince un a while.

I also think you need to answer gb's question. Just what do you think will hsppen if you don't get the exact right amount of sleep. And who said that was the right smount to begin with? I'm betting you read it somewhere...

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Thanks both. To be honest I can’t remember. It seems likely I read it in a newspaper or something, but I don’t know. I remember as a teenager my parents made us get an early flight and I insisted on going to bed at 6pm to get enough sleep. Of course I wasn’t tired and didn’t sleep at all.

I’m also not sure what I’m expecting will happen. I think if I don’t have sex once a week my wife will leave me, or if I don’t do 2.5 hours exercise a week then I’ll get fat. But with sleep, I don’t know. I know I do hate being tired. I kind of feel I’m a failure if I haven’t managed to sleep much? But I can’t reallt understand why.

To answer your other question, no- I usually only weigh myself once every few days now :) I had CBT and many things are a lot better.

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ah OK well this does sound like OCD then, I didn't realise how it tied into your other OCD problems.  It's good that CBT has improved lots of things :)

My opinion is you should try to not book the morning off and expose yourself to the possibility of not getting enough sleep and the anxiety it brings.

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