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No motivation to clean my Room

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For some time now my bedroom has become quite cluttered due to my OCD& I've struggled to make improvements on it.Day after day i've been trying sometimes i've had some success but very often i've simply struggle to get in there.Last week for e.g I tried my best to go in my room& do some cleaning I felt I had all the confidence and preparation I wqent it for a couple of attempts and just couldn't do it.I said I'll try again tonight when i feel I may have another good moment but once again I simply couldn't do it.I've been working on this with my Dr,Psychologist&health support worker for some time I've been trying but I struggle to have any motivation to really do it even when i've felt up to it really I don't know what else to do :weep::weep::weep: .

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Something is preventing you from desiring to have it organized or organize it. Maybe it is overwhelming not knowing where to start or what order to put things in. Or maybe it's some ocd triggers you know you'll have to be exposed to when going through your things and seeing or reading what they are.

You could start with one little corner of the room, or only a couple shelves or something. Then the next day do more.

Edited by ADD
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Thanks very much Stu&ADD for your replies I think it has rocked me at times of the enormity of the task,I've tried to say do bit by bit& maybe have been quite overwhelmed when attempting top try& clean my room and when not succeeding it has dug in quite a bit.I'll try to get into it gradually day by day it has been a fair bit of a challenge but I know of course it's the strength of the OCD :original: .

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Hi Ace,i really feel for you and do know what it's like,I have a 3 bedroomed house to clear up!

It is totally overwhelming, but I guess we have to start somewhere,just try a few things each day,I am telling this to myself as much as you!

Come on we can do it,you will get there before me! X

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Hello there Dais thanx very much for your reply& nice words of encouragement it really means so much :original: ,I know how tough it is& it has been getting me quite down as much as I know I don't mean to have my room like that& I'm trying my best to improve on it even though very often I've questioned if I'm trying hard enough? :original: .I hope you can get there just like me and we can do this together :original: .

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Ace I need a motivation to go into my garage and group the stuff in there that's aaiting dumping so I can take it all down the recycle entre.

I am now scheduling this for some tomorrow some Tuesday and dump run by next weekend!

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Thanks very much Taur& eden for your replies much appreciated as ever :original: ,I'm trying to do a bit at a time if I can i know it's tough but I'll try my best.

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