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POCD... Kind of.

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I was recently talking with someone and we had a little discussion about tolerance, how far it should or shouldn't go, and due to that we briefly talked about paraphilias. While I don't suffer from POCD (I had, and to some extent still have some kind of sexual OCD however), I developed an obsession around it. I said something that goes like this (talking about paedophiles): "if they have these tendencies, but don't hurt anyone and want to get treated, what problem do they cause?". I now have an anxiety that I somehow defended paedophiles there. Than it goes: "if I defended them, maybe I am one of them?" - you know how OCD is. But I'm not a paedophile, nor do I support this. Still can't get my mind out of it, that I defended it, even for a brief moment. I guess what I wanted to say is that they shouldn't be tormented, but I don't know, maybe they should. I don't know what to think about it anymore. I'm really tired because of this. What do you people think?

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I think you should try and put the matter out of your mind as fast as you can. Just leave it alone. You expressed an opinion. That's all. It's not worth getting bent out of shape over. Leave it alone as best you can and get on with your day.

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But aren't opinions sometimes harmful? I mean, I just don't know if I said nothing wrong and I'm overthinking the whole thing or if I did say something wrong and I'm still overthinking it.

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The point is, it doesn't matter whether you said something wrong or not. You expressed an opinion and that's it. Move on. It's not worth dwelling over, for any reason. This is what OCD does. It latches onto the oddest thing. That's what's happening in your case. Your disorder has latched onto a few words you said and is turning it into a big deal. Go against that by refusing to perform compulsions. Don't analyze what you said. Don't go over it in your head. Leave it alone.

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