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  • OCD Status
  • Type of OCD
    Symptoms so extreme, they seem exaggerated... very surreal thinking, extremely messed up thoughts/dreams, extreme handwashing and 3 hour showers, counting/repeating/checking, perfectionism, and i'll add more when I can remember.

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  • Interests
    1. Getting out of this torture

    2. Escaping reality

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  1. I've had certain side-effects from Lurasidone 60mg associated taking too long though... like if more than 2 hours pass, I get the ''need to move around" effect so I gotta hurry to get to bed. I'm probably coming off this med soon hopefully
  2. Even if it takes a long time like 2-3 hours?
  3. I just wanted to know if not showering every day is a good thing for contamination ocd, I try to not shower for several days unless I get "contaminated" or several days have gone by. But I avoid showering mostly because it takes a long time and produces anxiety...
  4. I have extremely severe multi-symptom ocd, contamination is the worst symptom, and I have a problem I contaminated my bed and the anxiety is great I know I can't clean it since it's too big should I just sleep on it though? The anxiety is intense and I feel like throwing up and breathing fast... will this go away soon? What do I do? Should I go to emergency now or just sleep and the anxiety no matter how strong it is now will go away?
  5. I'm always very careful but today I made a wrong move
  6. I've never been in such situation before, will this deep anxiety kill me?
  7. I have extremely severe multi-symptom ocd, contamination is the worst symptom, and i'm finally going to intensive cbt therapy soon, but I have a problem I very contaminated my bed and the anxiety is great I know I can't clean it since it's too big should I just sleep on it though? The anxiety is intense and I feel like throwing up and breathing fast... will this go away soon? What do I do? Should I go to emergency now or just sleep and the anxiety no matter how strong it is now will go away?
  8. The fact that I no longer care what society thinks about me. I know they think i'm a monster, anti-social, and a freak, but I no longer care. I hate being mentally/physically ill though
  9. I really agree with this. Also everyone sees beauty differently.
  10. The only thing stopping me from putting myself to rest since 12 is being christian :crybaby: I once refused to see a psychologist, until I started worsening to degrees never before imagined. Please try convincing her every day to accept therapy... it is a precious gift. I desperately crave therapy, but can't afford the incredibly high price. I've developed severe psychotic and bipolar anger symptoms, yet no help opens up to me besides surviving on samples from my current doctor that my family can barely afford. I'm sorry for dumping my problems here, but just saying that CBT is a gift that must be taken ASAP.
  11. Yes, telling your school is the best option, especially since they're experienced already. You might need accommodations later on, or find that getting more time for tests/homework will help. I have extreme severe contamination symptom, and i'm not scared of germs but of contamination and in different colors...
  12. I was suicidal the other day... being christian, for a while I believed even my condition was worse than he||... I survived though, but i'm getting worse
  13. Me too I can no longer remember if I dream stuff or if they really did happen...
  14. I'm curious... I got tested for the strep in blood a while ago and came negative... however, other signs indicate I might have PANS rather than PANDAS, so I got this antibiotic. The stomach pain is not bad so far, but i'm just wondering, how long does it take to work? My next step might be an IVIG...
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