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Use "REDS" (Relaxation Exercise Diet Sleep) To Counter Stress And Anxiety And Empower Your OCD Counter-Measures

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I got this idea from an anxiety management book, and it works really well.

Everyone can formulate their own techniques that work for them, here are some starter ideas from me.


When stress and anxiety come calling the body goes into "fight or flight" mode. But in the office or home our threats are often perceived or imagined.We can tackle these however in a different way.

For stress, deal with what is behind the stress. If overworked, get help. If you have a worry or have trouble making a decision, consider all possible solutions, choose the best, impliment it, then dismiss all anxiety about the outcome.

Take a powerbreak and just concentrate on slowing down your breathing; this will slow down your high arousal and ease tension and stress.


Aerobic exercise burns of stress chemicals and anxiety arousal. But only do this if your state if health permits you - if in doubt seek medical advice.

A nice walk letting the mind just ""be" is great for mental and physical health.


Cutting down on caffeine and smoking will ease down unwanted arousal from these stimulants.

Ease down on sugar and fat, eat your "five a day" and choose healthy options like brown bread.


Aim to avoid stimulants such as alcohol in the two hours before sleep. Avoid TVs in bed if you can, a CD player for soothing music and/or a radio are hetter.

I try and get a good seven hours sleep a night.


Edited by taurean
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