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You all know my problem is that when it comes to me wanting to feel happy in romantic moments with my girlfriend I get intrusive thoughts telling me I don't feel happy or can't be! I have tried telling myself I am happy when it comes to these moments but then I begin to doubt the legitimacy of my feelings and if I am feeling naturally happy and it's just a mess. Is there a soultion to all this really?

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I know it sucks. Oh but for a magic wand to wave and cure what ails us. Alas, there is none. It's a slow slog through the steps required and it takes time. In some cases it's going to take lots of time.

Good luck on your date, you.

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Thank you Bear, but my nerves and anxiety caused me to do a google check on relationship chemistry god it was like unleashing a dark portal to hell in my head ugh why D:

I don't know what the heck people mean when they go off about this "chemistry" in relationships so I looked it up wondering if it's something to be bothered about and apparently on the 20 something relationship blogs I read it is and if you don't have it then your relationship is doomed. Now I'm worried because I literally am always in a state of mass panic and anxiety so I can't take a breath and see what's going on without freaking out.

Literally if we don't have this chemistry thing then I don't know if I can't tell because of OCD or what? It's just bothersome and then with getting thoughts sometimes questioning my attraction to her that just makes it worst or when I get thoughts questioning me wanting to kiss her! How am I supposed to figure out if we have a chemistry with the OCD present? It is impossible! And apparently this determines the relationships whole success so this is a failure from the get go for me.

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