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Dreadful day/harm ocd/driving

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I can't cope. So my past event guilt ocd was pushed aside this morning when I was put under uncomfortable a circumstance. I had to take my ( about to give birth to twins ) cousin a lift. I was petrified from the minute I agreed to it yesterday. I was stressing going over speed bumps was truly awful. Then I get to a huge very busy roundabout and I'm making my way in inside lane ( correct lane ) to 3 rd exit. I was ahead but couldn't see to check nobody behind was under taking and I was panicking about hesitating then stopping suddenly so I took the exit without been certain there wasn't a car I was going to cut in front off. I've been panicking since. I feel so sick I could have caused harm to get and the babies I feel dreadful I really wish I wasn't here can't cope anymore

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Forget about it and stop ruminating over it. Just like your other OCD theme, you make the situation so much worse by going over the situation in your head, again and again. It doesn't matter now. You got to where you were going, no one got hurt. That's it. It's over.

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It's your choice if you want to keep going over it in your mind or try to put it behind you. Once again, like with your other obsessions, you are blowing this out of proportion. You can choose to understand that nothing bad happened. You can choose to put that minor event behind you.

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I should add that, by now, you should be able to see this incident as being the same as the other situations you've posted about on the forum. Something happened (minor in nature). You feel an overwhelming sense of guilt (far more than the situation warrants),. You are fixated on the event (it is taking far more of your time/brain power than the situation warrants).

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