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Heartbeat - Merged Threads

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I'm obsessed with it. I have some very mild stress pains in my chest but I have been obsessed with it for some time. I am frightened it is irregular. My brother has checked it and he says its normal. But I had a skipped beat when very anxious and then I couldn't focus on it and it seemed to me to be hopping all over the place and now I hum when he beats and because I can't focus on it, of course it sounds however I want it too. I was asleep and thought it was hopping all over the place but I am pretty sure it was a dream, it was fine when I had by panic attack

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My head is so light when I stand up its horrible, it feels like I'm walking on air and I have pressure again

My head is really light and I have the trembles, its so frightening

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I am in a constant state of anxiety and its worse when I stand and is scaring me. When I stand at the mo, my chest goes tight, my eyes blur over and I can feel the anxiety building. My body feels heavy particularly my arms and I feel weak. The more I walk up and down the more the anxiety builds and the more I feel like I can't walk up and down, can any relate?

I keep fearing I will be too weak to stand up

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So are you going to try and use any of the advice that's been suggested or are you going to keep repeating compulsions that are known to make matters worse?

You have a big role to play in this Phili and constantly typing out details of every bodily symptom will only make things a great deal worse.

Whilst we all know how compelling this feels, the forum isn't really here as a platform to carry out compulsions, no matter how strong the urge is. It's akin to allowing someone to attend an AA meeting with a bottle of whisky to swig to help steady their nerves. It just wouldn't be allowed.

We can't stop you doing compulsions, we can only suggest that you should work on trying to reduce them....but we do become increasingly concerned when users use the forum as a platform to carry out compulsions constantly.

One of the Moderators closed a thread a couple of days ago because of this problem, as did I, and if it gets to a stage where it's happening excessively again we will have to consider a similar decision.

You've got to work on this Phili if you want to make any progress

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I know I know, I am trying...its so hard

You don't need to convince me :) I've had OCD longer than you've lived but that also qualifies me to know a little about what's futile and what's not. You really have to work at putting the advice into practise and going up a gear.....otherwise, there's no point asking for the advice. It has to be implemented. At the moment, you're not doing that Phili. You're increasing the behaviours known to make things worse.

The good thing (and the bad thing [if you're procrastinating]) about a forum like this is that you're talking to people who do know what it feels like, who have experienced the same things and despite that, whatever the explanations, however hard it is....know what has to be done to improve. That advice remains the same....however hard.

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You have my sympathy and it must be very tough without your Mum, I know......but sadly, OCD-Wise, things remain the same. The advice remains the same and without changing behaviour....the outcome remains the same.

It's a tough, nasty world sometimes.....I know that, it's a hard slog. But we still have to heed the advice or we stay well and truly stuck

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Just wanted to say I know how hard things are as I am currently struggling too. My ocd is different but I am still drinking to much to try and cope and have lots of problems to overcome. I hope you can get through this good luck

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Think you need to stop posting now and try to get over these fears on your own as no amount of people telling you will make any difference believe me i have had endless reassurance and it won`t help i know you have to do it i know i am not sure if i can but i am trying and if you don`t you will never get better as reassurance will only help in the short term but the hard work unfortunately has to come from us. I t is not easy and i think it is the worst illness as you have to get yourself better but it is achievable as caramoole has done and she is the one i always think of when struggling i think that she has inspired me and it is possible with hard work yes but try not putting anything on here distract yourself and find you have the strength to do this and be determined as if you want help the only one that can do that is looking back at you in the mirror.

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Please stop deleting my posts.

I have numbness in my legs, its very unpleasant, I can walk fine but the skin in numb, I was looking for advice on easing it and wondering if anyone can relate. I have been massaging it, I can't even sleep

I'm tired and exhausted and not coping

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You are currently hyperaware of bodily sensations because you are fixated on them. You are concentrating on every feeling in your body so naturally you will notice every little thing like its a big deal. What you need to do is get your mind off those sensations and get it working on something else.

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But they are numbish, in particular the side laying on the bed, the skin under my knee on the calf is really, really numb...I hate this, I just want some peace for a while

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You mean distract myself?

I've had this before, numb patches on skin are quiet common for me but not for a while and not with health OCD and never been this aware of it, its been a long time since my nerves hit this point

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