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prozac second time round

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Prozac worked for me for many years, then two years ago it stopped working. I went on escitalopram which wasnt great and made me agitated so i switched to sertraline a week ago. So now im having to stop sertraline as its making me itch (allergic reaction according to the literature).

Ive decided to give prozac another whirl. Ive read conflicting stories on the web. Some people say it didnt work a second time round, others say it worked. Has anyone tried an SSRI a second time round?

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Guest sarah1984

I've got a slightly different experience. I took seroxat for seven years before it stopped working. I then took duloxetine for 3.5 years and decided to stop my meds because I genuinely believed I was better and didn't need them anymore. Big mistake - within 6 months of stopping I had a major relapse which led to the development of my current obsession. My psych then put me back on duloxetine with the expectation that it would work for me again because it did before and it didn't seem to do anything. I think this was because my OCD/anxiety was so serious at the time that meds didn't make much difference. I then switched to venlafaxine which I take at the moment. Psych said there was no point trying seroxat again because it stopped working before.


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Guest sarah1984

Both venlafaxine and duloxetine are SNRIs and they seem to suit me. As well as taking 225mg venlafaxine daily I also take 300mg extended release quetiapine/seroquel which is an anti-psychotic that can be used at lower doses to treat anxiety and depression. Out of the two, I think quetiapine has helped me more because I noticed a significant improvement in my levels of anxiety almost as soon as I started it. I've heard of the 'poop out' effect although I've never heard of people cycling through all the different SSRIs. I think there's no harm in giving prozac another go and seeing what happens - on average my psych recommends trying an antidepressant for 12 weeks to see whether you notice any improvements.

Good Luck,


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