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  • OCD Status
  • Type of OCD
    Contamination fears, intrusive thoughts/Pure O, checking/washing compulsions.

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  • Interests
    Music, music, and more music!
    Mostly old school indie, punk and metal.
    I play guitar and bass.
    PMs welcomed!

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  1. Good work, ITV. Last night's programme was accurate, moving and rang uncomfortably true with me as a sufferer of nearly a quarter of a century. Upset families, disrupted relationships, destroyed social lives, daily mental anguish, physical injury, general ill-health, severe depression and low self-esteem has been my reality, too. Therapy is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do and I avoided it for far too long. The rewards are great, though and bravery pays off. So, again, congratulations on a job well done, ITV. Shame on Channel 4, however, for their compulsive cleaners nonsense. You continue to trivialise and misrepresent OCD and damage the important work done by others to promote and explain the condition to the public. A few years ago, Channel 4 gave us a series set in a house for OCD therapy featuring Professor Paul Salkovskis himself. This was an important series. What a pity C4 has not been able to continue the good work done with that previous series. By the way, I haven't actually watched the compulsive cleaners programme. A) because I trust the opinion of OCDUK and I don't want to get angry and B) because I've got better things to do!
  2. Sorry, guys, but if people in general think that OCD is a funny little personality quirk, and influential public figures like TV presenters continue to portray it as such, then I'm just gonna keep on complaining. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (I tend to give it its full name in conversation to help remind people of its true meaning. I think that the term "OCD" has become a convenient buzzword) is a serious mental disease which ruined my life for many years and I have not quite managed to rid myself of it, even after successful CBT treatment. I know it has affected many people this way. It brings a lot of pain and misery to sufferers and those close to them. In extreme cases, it can claim the sufferer's life (I have heard of victims being poisoned to death by antiseptic fumes and starving to death as they were unable to eat as a direct result of their compulsions and rituals.) Even though my condition is much improved, I still struggle with every Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder every day. Sorry again for preaching (to the converted around these parts, I'm sure!) but Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a serious condition. People will not learn this fact while it is joked about in the media.
  3. I just heard Chris Packham, presenter of the BBC's "Spring Watch" nature program make a flippant comment about OCD. A bird tidying around its nest was "a bit OCD," according to him. Really, Mr Packham. I thought you were a scientist. You ought to know better!
  4. Hello all I'm learning to drive. I've had about nine lessons and it's going quite well. I'm just wondering whether or not it is possible to register as a disabled driver if we have OCD? I've looked on the DVLA and government websites but they are as clear as mud! Hoping to get more sense from you guys! Cheers! "newman"
  5. Hiya Sorry to hear you are depressed. I know how that feels. Are you happy with your therapist? It might be worth asking to see someone else. You've got the right, you know? I know about embarrassing memories too and I have a lot of regrets arising from my OCD that are too late to go back and change, now. But it isn't your fault, it's the disease's fault. Don't blame yourself. Also, it is important to tell your therapist EVERYTHING about your OCD and your experiences, thoughts and feelings. If they don't have the complete picture, It's hard for them to help you. Hope that helps! *newman*
  6. Thanks, maj! Good luck to you, too. You'll get there eventually!
  7. Thanks, Rachie and Carol. To me, my tendencies to daydream and to lose concentration are like symptoms of my OCD. So when my mind wanders or when a strange idea pops into my head and I get anxious, that, to me, is like Pure O. In that sense, then, it can play up from time to time. Ironically, though, I've had contamination fears about oil, petrol and especially car battery acid for many years, but none of this seems to affect me when I'm behind the wheel of a car! I've successfully completed CBT for all types of OCD (yes, I have pretty much ALL types!) so my fears are massively reduced. And besides, I'm too busy trying to concentrate to worry about chemicals! I don't give them a second thought! As I say, the DVLA have passed me fit. I've told them about my OCD and that I am taking medication. So I don't see why it should affect my having driving lessons. I do feel that I have been pushed into driving an automatic and they told me the other day that I will need a lot of lessons, which was discouraging. I wouldn't mind driving an automatic, but I'd rather persevere with a manual. It's so much easier to find a good used manual and somebody to practise with. I fully intend to speak frankly about these issues during my next lesson. Thanks so much for your input and support. You have been a great help. *newman*
  8. Hello all. I've just started having driving lessons and I'm finding it quite difficult. I find it hard to concentrate on everything (steering, signalling, checking mirrors and the rest of it) not to mention listening to the instructor at the same time as well. I had the first couple of lessons in a manual transmission car, but now they've switched me to an automatic. There are problems with this, because automatics are quite rare in the UK, so I don't know anybody I can practice with. Also, a good used, affordable automatic can be hard to come by. I'm just wondering whether or not I should explain to the instructor about my OCD, or at least about my problems with concentration. The DVLA already know I have it and they granted me a licence, so I don't see what harm it would do. Yesterday's lesson was rubbish (a waste of money, really) and my cocentration was awful and they just kept telling me the same thing over and over, which was no help. Any of your opinions would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading.
  9. Okay, thanks for the replies so far. Does anybody else have any advice? Mods??
  10. Hi. I want to apply for a provisional driver's licence and I would like your advice. I know that driving licence applications have been discussed here in the past, but my OCD's content may be a problem. I have "pure O" and checking/repeating habits, but they are very mild and are not really a problem since I received CBT (and besides, they do not concern motoring specifically.) The main problem could be that my contamination OCD includes an irrational fear of car batteries and battery acid. HOWEVER, my condition has improved a lot since I have had CBT. My situation now is that I am a little uncomfortable around car batteries (as well as petrol, WD40 etc) whereas previously I would have run a mile and I would have been in quite a state. So, given that I have undergone CBT, and that I expect to get used to being around cars, car parts and chemicals used in them, and to feel more and more comfortable once I start learning to drive, should I declare my OCD when I apply for my provisional driver's licence?
  11. Sad about Brittany Murphy

  12. Hello again, everybody! I haven't posted in a while. I've just renewed my membership, going for the monthly payment option this time. I received a letter the other day saying that my membership had expired. I didn't realize - I thought that memberships were renewed annually and automatically. Anyway, while I'm here, I thought I'd give you an update on my progress OCD-wise. My CBT has gone well and I have worked hard and improved a lot. I am due for my final session next week and for my file to be closed and I'm ok with that. I feel much, much better, although I don't think I'll ever be completely rid of OCD. But that's ok too: people have to live with all sorts of problems all their lives, don't they? Best wishes to you all, "newman" .
  13. Hi. Anybody know how long Sertraline stays in the system and when the withdrawal symptoms stop?
  14. PS: Pardon my ignorance, but what does PCT stand for?
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