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Nobody knows whats wrong with me ???

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I'm going to the doctors at 4,00 today feel awful can't eat because of stomach cramps with anxiety hardly got any sleep last night and my mind is racing at 100 miles an hour


I'm glad you're going to see your GP - do try to convey to him how bad you feel. If it takes longer than the expected appointment time so be it. Do try to get him to see that you need help - that you are desperate for help and that you need it now....

Good luck, bruces - let us know how you go.


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bruces, I'm sorry - and not trying to criticise - but why didn't you go?

Who is this CPN? he is a nurse - I have nothing against nurses - they do a fab job....but you need to see a GP, a psychologist or a psychiatrist - why does this person think he can represent you???

I don't know what one tablet of venlafaxine would be.........you really do need to get your meds looked at - they're obviously not helping....

Please, bruces - go and see your GP - or a member of your CMHT...tell whoever how you feel - about your distress...about your hopelesness...this is now in your court not your CPN.

Please make a difference to your own life....I know it's not easy but you need to do it....

Edited by whitebeam
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Honestly bruces - you can help yourself - you need to ask for help - then they can support you.

Please make another appt with your GP and go yourself....tell him/her of your distress, your hopelessness - your lack of will to live.....

unfortunately you have to do this bit - then someone else can start to support you - but if they don't know how you are feeling they can't help.

I'm sure your CPN is lovely but, in my opinion, he is not helping - you need to do this.

Please try, bruces


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Guest Anna24

Ok so have have many issues including ocd traits like the inability to tighten nuts and bolts and leave them alone and also obsessing about the past things I've done conversations I've had but there's other things,I left my last job to supposed run my dads business but that went wrong as I never showed any interest,one minute I hate the job next minute I think I should have given it my all,in the daytimes I feel like I'm going completely insane and I pray to die then in the evenings I chill out and think I could sort myself out then it's back to auicidal thoughts in the morning my emotions are so up and down all the time,half the time I don't know whats right and whats wrong I don't think I'm bipolar as I never feel happy it's always a low mood I just don't know what to do alls I know is I can't live my life like this :(

Oh my god I think you just described ME. I can't make decisions about anything. One minute I'll be feeling extremely depressed and want to kill myself and then within a short space of time I can be feeling kind of good about myself, it's like Im two completely different people. I don't know if this ever happens to you but my opinion on things or tastes can change so dramatically in such a short space of time and this results in me constantly feeling so confused about everything and it's like I have no clue who I am or what I like. It's just so exhausting..

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Nothing does unfortunately

How do you know that if you don't give it a try?

This constant annihilation, this drip feed of self-loathing (albeit understandable) can only add to the misery and make an awful situation even worse. Even with depression a cognitive shift can make a difference

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I just lay and think of how things were as a child full of of hope and sprit looking forward to the future,not knowing that soon you won't be a person anymore just defined by depression and mental illness how quickly things seem to change

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Come on. It didn't happen quickly. You didn't go from a happy-go-lucky child to a depressed, OCD ridden adult overnight. This has taken years to develop. It will likely take many months, if not years, to fix. Today would be a great day to start working toward wellness.

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