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Had an up and down day but now locked the front door and snuggling up in front of the tv for the rest of the evening, determined to avoid any compulsions.  Hope you have a good evening planned. 

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Struggling too, one of my themes is around relationships, I have a crush on someone at work, I had a nice chat yesterday with her and the ruminations started, would I rather be with her than my wife? I imagine scenarios where I am confessing my feelings for this person, would they be reciprocated? and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I know when I am ruminating less about this issue then I feel calmer and less anxious and guilty. However today have not done well. 

I know I am only experiencing human emotions around this person, but my OCD is catastrophizing it to mean the end of my marriage, separating from the mother of my son for no other reason apart from a crush. I don't doubt that I would enjoy some physical contact with this person but that just makes me human I know. We don't go blind just cos we are in a relationship.

Oh for a day without OCD. I know we all have our demons but I envy people without OCD and wish I was one of them.

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I have had OCD for my whole adult life but I'm not posting about me - we can move on - obviously with appropriate therapy but there are lots of things we can do to help ourselves? 20 years ago there were no forums like this - who had a mobile phone? :yes:

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My forum friends are for me as equally important as the day to day friendships I have with those I regularly encounter in person. 

But with a massive difference - here we fully understand the struggles brought by our mental condition and share guidance and ideas to tackle that and regain what the disorder seeks to take from us. 

That is so so valuable. 


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I do agree with that Taurean, I have been very appreciative of the help I have received from other users. I try where possible to help others too. There is nothing like knowing that others can relate directly to how you feel. 

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