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Best way to fix an ERP slip up?

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Im looking for tips on how to go about correcting mistakes made when trying not to ritualize. I'm finding that im able to expose myself to minor obsessions throughout my day while avoiding any compulsions. My problem arises when a big trigger hits me unexpectedly. I find it difficult to stop my rituals because at that level of anxiety it's almost second nature and I've already been mentally analyzing for a while before I'm able to notice what's happening. By then I feel like I've failed and I can't go back.

I try to still continue with whatever I was doing after I've noticed the rituals but I find it exceedingly difficult to turn the mental chatter off.

Have any of you found something that works when you've noticed you've ritualized and feel like you've lost the opportunity to make the right choice in your recovery? I know I can't expect perfection but this is turning into a serious roadblock for me, I can go days feeling like I've made good progress and then one trigger sets me all the way back.

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Not a problem. When you recognize that you have slipped into doing compulsions, stop and then refocus on something else.

It takes lots of practice to get this right. How long have you been doing compulsions automaticslly? You don't change that kind of ingrained behavior overnight. It takes time.

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Thats true, going on 20 years.

I think deep down I know what I need to do, but once I've slipped up I feel like I've already ritualized and I've magnified the obsession and I can't go back now. 

But you are right I know it takes time, I'm sure I will have many failures before I kick this thing ?


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