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What difference does it make if it's OCD?

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I know it's a strange question but what is the difference between someone without OCD who is worrying compared to someone with OCD? What is OCD capable of doing to your mind which is different to someone without OCD? 

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I know there is an element of excessive worry, overblown conclusions, repetition. But I don't feel like I know what it can truly make you think and feel?

My therapist has told me to do things I enjoy to try to take myself out of my own mind as I seem to live in my own head and have done for years. But the thing is, isn't that just what non-OCD people do with their own worries, they may have money troubles etc. but forget about it for a while until they remember again. Isn't that just what he is asking me to do? I don't know if this makes sense to anyone. 

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Worry tends to sit hand in glove with OCD. Sufferers may likely be troubled by worry about other things. 

Worry is going round in circles thinking about a problem, but without resolving it. 

The worrier about debt for example needs to stop worrying and get informed help - implement the best of that help then the worrying can stop. 

There is a strong link between worry, and the compulsion of rumination in OCD. But in the latter the overthinking is excessively focused on the subject matter of the OCD. 

I used to be a compulsive worrier. But the methods I needed to use to overcome that were very different to the knowledge and methods I have needed to use to overcome my OCD. 

General worries may be rational or irrational, but they are all about not coming to terms with, thinking through, choosing the best option, implementing it and then forgetting the worry. 

With OCD,  it's a combination of the C - cognitive understanding - and the B - making thinking and behavioural changes - that then stop the D - disorder. 

We need to look for the negative unwanted core belief that underpins the OCD, and see how it works. In my case that negative core belief is that I might lose control and cause harm ( harm OCD).  So the worry here is that the OCD is true. 

The treatment for that worry, for me, came in the cognitive understanding that  with this theme the OCD is attacking my true core character values of love and care, and alleging that I could act contrary to those. 

My CBT therapist said that my core character values remain, the OCD is lying. To take that knowledge into the sessions of exposure and response prevention. To not avoid things, and to work on reducing compulsions. I did that by using refocusing to beneficial involved activity to shift my mind away from the urge to compulse. 

Hope this helps you. 


Edited by taurean
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You make it sound like people with money worries are justified to worry. As if that's an okay situation to worry about.

On that level there is no difference. Worrying does absolutely nothing productive. It does no good. Same as your constant ruminating. It is completely pointless.

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I hope Roy permits me the liberty to quote him.

He sums it up the best in the following quote:

"Non-OCD worries need anti-worry not anti-OCD treatment. "




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