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I thought i was starting to realise and maybe starting to accept that the thoughts i was having was my ocd.

i have been reading online alot of experts and knowlegebal(sp) peoples opinions of ocd and found a lot of comfort and hope from some of the stuff i have read. eg


Intrusive thoughts are natural and things you would never do which is why they are upsetting and if they where a true reflection of you, you wouldn't be disgusted by them.


Ocd is a minipulating bully that will go after the things people hold most important and so represent  the opposite of what a person may desire. For someone with sexual obsessions or harming obsessions, sure they don't want  to desire these things or being a horrible, sick, evil person but some people just are those very things what sets people with ocd apart from them?


RELABLE-  Ackowledge that these thoughts are a false message and relable them as my ocd talking, this is my mind playing tricks trying to fool, bully and minipulate me. Really hope that is true and would explain how ocd works and explain why some of the thoughts can feel so real.


Here is the problem i am having, even knowing  i would never do any of the things that are in my thoughts i worry that even though i would never act on these thoughts perhaps i am suppressing them and secretly do somewhere deep down inside, i know that sounds like classic ocd 

I don't know if what i am trying to explain is coming across clear, to try and be clearer i will give an example of what i mean, say if someone is having obsession that they are attracted to someone of the same sex even though they have always known/believed they were hetrosexual and even believing they would never act or want to act on these thoughts does that suggest they are not gay and it is only their ocd that is making the person believe and feels that these thoughts are true, can ocd trick you to believe you fancy or are attracted to a person or trick you to believe you want to carry out these thoughts ?





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