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Normal break up or ocd?

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Hi, I thought I was doing better with my ocds, they are still there and I was still doing rituals but it wasn’t bothering me as such. I started dating a guy and I started to feel better (germ ocd got worse) but everything else ocd got better. We dated for 3 months, I really liked him and thought he liked me a lot too as he said and gave lots of signs but he broke up with me as he had bad depression and had been not so long since broke up with a long term ex who caused his depression.

It’s been about a month now since we stopped talking and dating and I can’t stop thinking about him, it seems obsessively thinking about him. I liked him a lot but I don’t know why I miss him so much, not sure if it’s cause I liked him so much or cause he had depression and had no family here and barely any friends and I feel bad cause he has depression.

He didn’t want a relationship with me but liked me a lot. I don’t know if what I’m feeling is ocd and obsessing over something or it’s just normal.


im asking as I’ve been single for a long time and it’s sad but my only goal really is to find a partner someone who loves mr and if this is ocd I think I should seek help for it.

its ridiculous how much I obsess over wanting someone, I’ve actually caused myself to be (mildly) depressed, but I’m at the age where everyone’s having babies or is getting married and I’m alone.


i think maybe this could link to the fear of being alone forever and I think I have some issue with rejection or the way others perceive me.

Sorry for the rant xx





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