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Tried to use "law of attraction" to sleep with someone, now guilty

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So I don't know if this is real, but the law of attraction is a kind of New Age thing where imagining something creates your reality. I figured I'd give it a shot and try to have a one night stand with someone.

I stopped after maybe a week of employing the imagination methods and feel pretty guilty about even attempting this since, if it were to work, wouldn't that be manipulative? Now I feel like a rapist.

This person added me on Facebook and I feel like her adding me is "contaminated" because of what I tried to do. I feel the need to unfriend her and then maybe refriend her but I don't want to be weird.

Should I feel guilty about that?

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And maybe the "wonderful law of attraction" (with which I am familiar) has been hijacked to its own devious ends by your OCD? 

All the usual load of OCD rubbish Ryukil.

You live your life to other's rules with this obsession to find ideology and methodology to work in your favour for your aims - but easy meat for your OCD to manipulate. 

Clear the mental slate. Determine to leave this be - not a beneficial exercise - and shift your focus elsewhere - but not to another obsessional thought ? 



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As an aside, some years ago a friend of mine discovered the law of attraction and felt it might help my mental issues with OCD. 

So he turned up on my doorstep with a copy of the multi-million bestseller on this concept - like a missionary seeking to save the unconverted sinners. 

I politely pointed out I knew what the book proposed, but that CBT is the psychological therapy for treating OCD and I was on my case. 

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The Law of Attraction is nothing but a clever marketing concept designed to sell books and make money. It's absolute nonsense in my opinion.

I'm all for the idea of having a positive mindset about life but that's about as far as it goes.

Don't waste anymore time thinking about this, Ryukil, would be my advice.

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Weirdly, I've been exploring this new age stuff lately (see me post on here). 

Regarding the LOA.. have you ever wanted a particular new car? Say a Porsche in red? That's just an example. Did you notice after determining what you wanted, you noticed every single red Porsche you passed? 

Give it a try. That'll disprove it. Sit and really really imagine you want to become a mushroom.. 

I'm assuming you've read more about the new age movement. 'we create our reality'. You know that the majority of the new age gurus died from horrendous illnesses, cancer, heart attacks etc. Do you think they created that for themselves? The natural world always wins :)

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2 minutes ago, Ryukil said:

Wondering what you said Helen :/

Leave that be Ryukil, she (as we all may do) periodically thinks better and deletes the text post. But we don't have the ability to delete the whole post, so it will show as blank.  

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