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It's All About The Behavioural Response!

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What happens in OCD? 

We get an intrusive thought on a recurrent theme, based on a repetitive OCD core belief that is false, an exaggeration of nil or minimum threat, or revulsion. This is the O. 

A shot of anxiety courses through us. We connect with the intrusion, give it belief. 

More anxiety. 

We engage in compulsions to try and fix the anxiety. Possibly we may get some immediate relief, but that soon fades. This all is the C, the compulsive response. 

We fall into a cycle of distress (the D, disorder, of OCD). 

For many of us, even if we know what we should be doing, we cannot keep it up, and fall back into this negative, connecting with the OCD, way of thinking. 

We stay stuck, and in time more restrictions, more rules, are piled onto us by OCD. The theme of our obsessions may flip, or move on. 

How do we break out of this conundrum? 

We have to learn, then put our faith in, the cognitive side of OCD. Learn to spot the OCD, learn that what it is telling us is not true. 

Be prepared to accept the probability that it is all OCD. 

Work sessions of exposure and response prevention experiencing, or imagining, the feared event. The reachable goal, but only in due course, is the trigger losing power, the anxiety fading away. 

Separately, when an intrusion comes calling, be strong. Spot it as OCD, and maybe think "it's just my silly obsession" :then refocus your mind away onto something beneficial and distracting.Keep doing this - there will be failures, but just treat these as blips, not setbacks. 

Dedication to believing in this CBT approach, and continuing to work it, will eventually pay off. It takes time and commitment, but in due course we cross a gain line, the intrusions weaken, and we become able to gently but firmly ease them away without "falling down the rabbit hole" into another cycle of distress. 

Many more of us will be able to taste this victory if we are patient, persistent, and positive. 

Believe, and change behavioural response, and keep going. And more of us will taste the sweet flavour of success. 

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