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Hi, does anyone else out there have the bonkers problem of avoiding cooking? I know that in order to eat healthy food, I know that I would need to go to the shop and buy it, and then I would need to cook it.

I have been on loads of cooking courses. When I go to them I don't have to decide what to eat or go shopping for the ingredients, but I do follow the recipes & cook nice stuff.

But by myself, I never manage to get organised to get complete meal ingredients in, and I avoid most cooking except microwaving. Any ideas why this happens?

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I don't know why you avoid it. I didn't cook for a long time since checking if the hotplate is turned off just takes too much time. So maybe trying to find the reason why you don't cook will give a hint?

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To find out why we do such things, look for the underpinning core belief that is creating the problem. Use this technique. Below is an extract from one of my topics:

How Can We Determine Our Core Beliefs?

We can use a technique called the “downwardarrow”process.

On a piece of paper write down a statement as to what you believe is causing your problem.

Then underneath it, draw a downward arrow and then write in the answer to this question. If this were true, why would it be so bad?

After writing in the answer, put in another downward arrow underneath, and ask the same question again.
Keep going until no further answer is possible – your last answer should reveal the core belief.

Do this with each of your issues to find all your core beliefs.

Hope this helps 

Roy :)


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Roy has described an interesting technique that might reveal an answer.

Some of my checking compulsions were so ingrained that it was only ceasing to do them that the causes -the ‘obsessions’ -revealed themselves.

So I wonder if doing cooking would reveal the causes. By that I mean buy the ingredients and plan a meal and then do the cooking. Do the activities and see what pops into your head.

There is another explanation to do with hoarding and its concomitant consequences. That being: organising the appropriate space.

Do you have any explanations no matter how fanciful they appear?

Edited by Angst
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22 hours ago, seekingERPnorthwest said:

 Any ideas why this happens?


Are you able to go into more detail, SeekingERP?

I wonder if you are perhaps experiencing depression as well, and if so, it might be knocking your appetite & motivation.


All the best.

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On 26/05/2019 at 05:54, seekingERPnorthwest said:

But by myself, I never manage to get organised to get complete meal ingredients in, and I avoid most cooking except microwaving. Any ideas why this happens?

Laziness?  Perfectionism? Depression?  Lots of reasons for why you might not be doing something.  You'll need to think about it a little more, identify some core beliefs as Taurean suggests if you want to tackle it.  Or you can just decide to do it and force yourself to even when you don't want to.  The more you do it, the easier it will become.  Maybe there is nothing more complex here than just getting started.

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