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Ocd can only work on your fear?

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Hi just thinking (as usual)

If you have a fear of something and happen to have ocd it's going to play on that fear isn't it?

I see other people's fears within ocd and they don't bother me and vice versa

Its such a horrible thing to be convinced that you have acted or almost acted on your fear, everything is a trigger and it's a constant battle between rational and irrational.

I have some better days until suddenly a certain thought or memory can have me sat down posting here on the forum with anxiety rushing through me :(


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I think that's maybe an overgeneralisation. 

An OCD core belief underpins the threat/fear that manifests itself through an OCD Trigger. 

Fears can be completely separate, and not connected to, that OCD theme. 

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Yes maybe OCD doesn't work on our every fear, but it is interesting how one thing that triggers someone else's OCD can be a none-issue for someone else. But also how our OCD can just switch themes so that something that was once a trigger is no longer one. I like to keep stuff like that in mind as it reinforces for me the fact that our OCD fears aren't based in reality but rather an exaggerated threat of something. 

But yes i do have some fears where OCD doesn't get involved at all.


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OCD comes from the primitive amygdala which causes anxiety to protect us. So if one reacts to something it'll remember that & react in the future. Its thought these recordings can be kept in the genes, as instinct. The neocortex is the new brain you use it thousands of times a day to process events without anxiety. That's why you fear some things not others.

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