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I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. OCD and depression are taking a toll on me. I have so many things that I need to do -both workwise and everyday errands- but I can't get myself to do them. It feels impossible to make even the simplest decisions right now. I procrastinate because I dread the compulsions and anxiety. I'm just very stressed and I can't motivate myself to do anything. 

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Hey Margarita,

I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed, it's really hard when you have things piling up and yet you have to deal with OCD and low mood. Maybe you need to make a plan of action and start with some of the more achievable goals first, successfully doing a few things can help you build up some momentum. Also, can you ask anyone to help you out?

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Sorry you are having such a hard time. I think malina's advice of having a plan of action is good, and finding people who can support you with your plan.  I don't have anything to add to that but just wanted to send some support your way.  :hug:

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I find that making a todo list helps me when I need to get things done and am procrastinating (which is often).  Being able to complete a task, check it off the list, even if its a small one, helps me feel more confident and motivates me to get the next item done.

It can also help to break large tasks down in to smaller ones.  Maybe you can't get it all done at once or all done in a day, but maybe there is something you CAN do today, that will at least move you one step closer to finishing something.

Best of luck and hang in there.

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Hi Margarita, 

I too feel this way right now, hence my signing up to this site. I think maybe accepting that you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed is going to feel much more than a person without the added anxieties and tension of OCD. Personally, noting this difference in myself, offering myself a simple daily reminder that the normal stresses are going to impact me differently to everyone else I know around me, releases a lot of the stress. We forget how much OCD and the associated Anxiety becomes so ingrained in us, causing undue stress, effecting normal thought processes, that we take it for granted, believe we are complete inadequate's and out of our depth. The list making is a superb idea and one which I have begun to do as well. Until these things are ticked off the list, the procrastination will just grow and the OCD won't help in any way. I'd say just get them done no matter the outcome. Another method might be to write down what exactly are you fearing when you do x y and z off the list. Once you look at it in black and white, it may be easier to take on. Good luck. 

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