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I am new to the site and starting to believe I have OCD and that I have had it for many years.

I have various intrusive thoughts from the moment I wake up until the point I fall asleep.

I am convinced I am always going to be in trouble at work and that I am not a good enough mother. I am on the edge each day, waiting for something terrible to happen. 
Anything can trigger my intrusive thoughts,  from smells to songs, to a general feeling that I’ve upset someone. 

It has got to the point that I cannot think straight as I am permanently anxious. 


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Hi there,

I would try to see a proffesional and get a diagnosis, if you are not very sure what you have. There are other anxiety dissorders which are similar. In fact from what you have described i would assume that you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Google the term and see if you think it fits to you. Anyway I would really see a proffesional also if you haven't had a diagnosis yet. It took me also quite a while from when I realized that something is wrong with me until I had the right diagnosis. And when I read about OCD I thought this wouldnt match with me at all until I understood it better.

All the best,


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Hi KSW :)

Sorry to hear that you're struggling. Have you gone to see your gp about your problems because that's probably where to start. Do you do compulsions? 

The good news is you don't have to suffer with these thoughts forever :)

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Welcome to the forum Lozra!

I'm sorry you're struggling with anxiety- it's horrible!

I think I agree with the posters above that your original post suggests you might be suffering from G.A.D. as OCD worries tend to be less realistic and involve either compulsions or mental attempts at neutralizing the thoughts. However it might just be that you've just not gone into much detail about your thoughts and that they actually are unrealistic obsessive thoughts.

An example of G.A.D. re. work, would be a sense of impending doom and a feeling that something terrible will happen at work but without any compulsive response (other than worrying).

An example of OCD re. work, would be an intrusive thought that you are going to blurt out an offensive phrase to your boss at work (i.e. it is quite specific and unrealistic/not a normal 'worry') and then completing compulsions such as avoiding the boss or mentally repeating 'I will not say anything offensive' inside your head (compulsion). This might also extend to avoiding wearing particular clothes because you think that you are more likely to blurt out something offensive if you are wearing those clothes. OCD is unrealistic and a bit ridiculous at times!

An example of G.A.D re. parenting, would be worrying that your kids are going to fail at school or might fall ill or might not make friends. 

An example of OCD re. parenting, would be obsessing that one of your kids is going to develop cancer; looking for signs that they do have cancer and completing mental compulsions such as repeating the phrase 'my child won't die' or constantly googling/researching childhood cancers.

For a diagnosis of OCD the symptoms need to involve: obsessions and/or compulsions; obsessions are intrusive thoughts that are not just exaggerated real-life worries; that occur as intrusive thoughts and that cause marked distress. 

Compulsions are actions that you take to undo/counteract obsessive thoughts or to relieve anxiety. 

G.A.D and OCD can be debilitating in their own ways so it's a really good idea to seek help from your GP.

Edited by BelAnna
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