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I'm not sure if this is something I'm allowed to post, so if I'm not - admin folk please feel free to delete this!

I've recently started a blog and as part of that I'm going to be talking about mental health - specifically OCD (which I suffer with).  Its going to be an honest viewpoint of my struggles, my challenges and my successes with OCD. What I do, why I do it, how I do it, what the outcomes are. 

It will not be me giving any type of advice (other than what any normal person would do and encourage following scientifically evidence treatments e.g. CBT!)  and I will not be providing reassurance to those seeking reassurance for an episode of anxiety. 

I just wanted to know whether anyone would be interested in reading that? If not, I'm happy to just keep it to notes app on my phone - but if it is something people would enjoy or find useful then I'm more than happy to share :)


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There is a blog feature on the forums. On a laptop you will see an icon to click on the top of the screen. On a phone click on the menu button then blogs.

You will see I have posted plenty of updates to my blog.  

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