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Hey all, been a while from me. Definitely happy to say this is generally a good thing, though.

The fight is still a tough one, but I'm getting there. The Coronavirus lockdown has absolutely had both positive and negative effects on my OCD. I guess, more than anything, I'm just struggling to get over it in general. I have a bunch of thoughts on multiple subjects that bother me and cause me anxiety. And I know all these things aren't real. But it's hard to keep it in check. With all the global pandemic stuff, plus the crazy stuff going on in America right now, it's been difficult to feel okay. My sister also had a total mental breakdown earlier and, whilst I called her and made sure she was okay, the lockdown rules mean we can't see each other and it's just really hard, honestly. The thoughts are so strong and bothersome, but I'm fighting hard. I just am really finding it difficult to let it be. Needed to talk to people who get it.

Hope you are all surviving okay!

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Glad to hear things are better Ollie! I completely relate to your problem with all of the world events, it has all been making me really stressed out too. I've really hard o force myself to cut down on news and social media. It's really damaging to your mental health and on social media people keep sharing the same content, it feels like you're in an information loop. Sometimes just taking a long walk and disconnecting really helps!

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