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Ocd the trickster

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Ive had ocd a long time you think i would be wise to its tricks. It latches on to one thing for about 6 months then with the tecniques it lifts then bang it gets a new obsession or an old one. Then it starts to over analysis why was I anxious when i bumped into that person or why did i get anxious doing a presentation etc etc then i google  ways of managing physical symptoms etc etc. Then i get oh is this ocd or is this some other anxiety making me even more anxious. I know I have ocd and should treat all intrusive negative thoughts as ocd false alarms a refocus but the brain gets stuck and questions what if your calling this ocd and it not. Then the intrusive thoughts get worse. I know i should treat it all as ocd, then you get stuck on the record and find it hard to unstick. I would love a bit of peace right now. On a positive I am in my second year of studying counselling so I am able to keep thriving despite ocd but its easy to be triggered at times. Hope everyone on here is keeping well despite ocd and keep pushing for recovery. Xx

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Thank you chirpy its hard to ignore thoughts and stop giving them such importance at times. But the best way to unstick is to treat them all as ocd thoughts and refocus thank you xx

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