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I have a crush, been about 4 years now. We used to be friends but now we don’t really keep in touch. I have her added on Snapchat and she has her location enabled on snap map (for anyone who doesn’t know what that is, it is a map on Snapchat which shows where everyone you are friends with are, and when the where last active. It became a habit of checking her account on the map. I don’t know why, I was just interested and kept on checking it. I feel like a creep.

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By the way, creepy was your word for it, not mine.

Guilt goes hand in hand with some forms of OCD. Some guilt, I guess, is okay but sufferers take it to a whole new level. 

The reason your guilt sticks around and even gets worse is because you won't let it go. You sit there and ruminate over what you did, churning it over in your mind. Ruminating being a compulsion.

So let it go. Refuse to dwell on it. If you leave it alone, it will eventually leave you alone.

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