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Social anxiety

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Hi i have my first actual day and night stay over this weekend with my mates since the pandemic. I always seem to have for years dread even stag do,s etc. i always worry before hand if i do something i regret or i can’t take banter. My anxiety in the build up to this event has got stronger each day. I have many what ifs. What if i,m the main subject of banter, what if i can’t take it and have bad anxiety and react angrily. This did happen a lot of years ago. I think it’s stemmed from that occasion. What if i,m sharing with someone that i don’t really no etc. what if i get angry and make myself look stupid. I no when the actual day comes i will be prepared and ok ish. But i don’t want to let it ruin my day out with my mates. I am counting the days also when it’s over also. Then i will latch onto the next worry. Thanks 

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You haven’t practised for a while so it is understandable that you might be nervous about receiving teasing remarks. It is a social game where you need to take it with good humour and switch attention or teasing to another member of the group. I suppose in the past the teasing hit a raw point. This has happened to me in the past where I found it difficult to redirect the attention of my mates. But I think it’s a problem of stage nerves become the event.  No point dwelling switch attention to something else.

Edited by Angst
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Thanks (stage nerves ??) makes sense i will be ok on the day after a few. I just have to face it and go and still keep in contact with my friends and not be that friend that avoids going away places. Which i have done in the past. Weirdly since when my daughter was born i got nervous going away. 

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