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Help feeling very low

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So I'm really struggling atm I have never been this bad a suffer from ocd where I have a fear of cancer and dying so my compulsions are googling and constantly checking myself I'm fighting the compulsions but now just feel so low and I don't know how to get out this hole I have a beautiful son and I spend my time in my head dont really want to go down the medication route but feel like thats where I'm heading 

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Hi Hd120820,

I'm sorry that things are so difficult at the moment, but although things feel awful just now, it doesn't mean they always will, you just need the tools to begin to tackle this problem. Have you looked into accessing any Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) on the NHS?

You might find the presentation Health Anxiety and OCD helpful at our annual conference this year. You can register for it here https://www.ocduk.org/conference/conferences-across-the-uk/2021-virtual/cafe/health-anxiety-and-ocd/

Gemma :)

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