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Figuring out you have a compulsion and resolving it as sjch

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I noticed as I start to improve myself in the sense of catching onto my worries and thoughts into like how I’m worried I’m always gonna say or do something and/or the friend is gonna say or do something or in a way act differently (mainly in my own mind) in conversation, but I did notice how like for instance. I am sometimes just finding myself grasping for straws so it seems to find a worry against my own intensions to think the friend won’t want to talk to me anymore and won’t want to  hangout with me anymore and won’t tell me, even tho the evidence even from the friend himself is obvious that they would let me know if the friendship being cut off.

anyway I did notice like Even today, even after focusing myself away from my worries knowing it’s all compulsions and don’t react and think off of them at all, but I had a thought I wanted to note down I was worrying with and I think I didn’t remember it because I got to work and the assistant manager had a quick question from me, and now I feel like I’m not complete in overcoming my worries because of rhat 

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On 20/04/2022 at 21:22, Kcbell92 said:

I wanted to note down I was worrying with and I think I didn’t remember it because I got to work and the assistant manager had a quick question from me, and now I feel like I’m not complete in overcoming my worries because of rhat 

OCD is a problem of perfectionism and control. You are giving that thought you forget a huge value, and probably that was a thought that was not good for you.

Sometimes, writing things down is part of therapy, but OCD can make anything a compulsion (be aware! :) ) . In that partical case OCD got you, because you now feel very bad if you dont remember and you need to fix something that has no importance and it nothing to fix. People forget things, you are human :) 

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