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How bizarre can obsessions actually get?

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So this evening I was sat outside a shop waiting for my partner and I glanced across the street. There is a butchers and I noticed above it, a light was on in what looked like a flat. As soon as I saw it and thought about people living above a butchers I instantly thought "omg what if the ghosts of the animals from the butchers actually haunt the people upstairs. What if they haunt me from when I ate meat? Can that happen??" then I started to panic and figure out how I could protect myself.


Now this isn't something I've ever heard anyone say before, but I do have harm obsessions and this seems to be in the same vein...does it seem that way?


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They can be really, really, really bizarre.  Because they're thoughts.  And thoughts can be bizarre as hell.  You're fine.  Don't worry about it.  Just learn to be like 'wow, i think some weird s*it sometimes' and leave it at that.

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