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About al_1983

  • Birthday February 14

Previous Fields

  • OCD Status
  • Type of OCD
    Rumination (Pure 'O'), dermatillomania, Contamination (mostly bodily fluids), checking, counting, repetitive words.

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About Me

Hi, my name is Al and I'm from Devon, I've suffered with OCD for most of my life, nearly 23 years. Like most sufferers I've had some ups and some major downs, especially a few years back going through both divorce and eviction in a very short space of time was not a fun place to be and was perhaps the most hardest thing i've ever had to go through as that was when my OCD was at its worst.

My OCD is mostly what's called Pure 'O' so my obsessions and my compulsions happen in my brain with very little externalisation, but i do also suffer with checking, contamination (mostly bodily fluids), counting, repeating of words and phrases till they feel right as well as dermatillomania on all of my fingers tips. I also have a fear of authority figures like my boss and the Police, as when I see or hear (sirens) any members of the Police force my OCD makes me believe they are coming to arrest me which sets off a panic attack.

I was diagnosed with OCD nearly 8 years ago and not really given much therapy since then they just told tme to read a book about my type of OCD and sent on my way, this was until recently while going through divorce and eviction when i was reassessed by my new GP where I was diagnosed with clinical depression, OCD and GAD.

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