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    London, UK

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  1. Yes I understand where you are coming from. It must be anxiety!
  2. I'm not getting those symptoms anymore. Ok thank you. But however, I do want to ask, do any of you have any feelings in your hands when you touch your face? I do sometimes and sometimes I cannot feel anything, I think I had Serotonin syndrome from it as I was shaky and losing feelings in my hands and lips. Or is this part of anxiety? Thanks for reading
  3. You are spot on too! After the Zoloft pill, I started the other liquids a day after I believe I did have serotonin syndrome as my symptoms were shaking, forgetfulness, heavy head, numbing I also felt touch and go one evening late at night! it almost felt like a stroke maybe. I am not sure. Do you think I should have a MRI Brain Scan?
  4. You are spot on! I was ill and had a very heavy head last week, I couldn't sleep and I felt I did have serotonin syndrome! I bought the st johns wart from the health food store which was only sold by the shop owner that keeps it stored at the front desk because it's strong stuff. I did tell my Doctor, however the Dr's here are not advanced like they are in the States. I told my Dr about my symptoms and he couldn't understand what brain zaps were! then I repeated the same story to another doctor! So now I have come off St Johns Wart and Milk Thistle altogether because my head was aching really badly and one night I couldn't even feel my lips, I was shaking, shivering and lost sensation in my fingers and face. So very weird.
  5. Lol and these pharmacy drugs are better than St Johns Wart? I have heard lots of horror stories of these man made drugs and they cause more harm to your body than natural supplements. Most people can't get off them that's why they stick on them because the withdrawal symptoms are awful!
  6. Hello there, Thank you for your response. I believe the first attack was from the Zoloft pill when I first experienced my first brain shivers, it obviously did not agree with me and I think I may have been allergic to it because my face was half numb and it obviously didn't agree with me. Before taking this pill I never had ANY attacks I was fine before, this pill caused more anxiety. Probably you are right about it being anxiety with the other attacks, I had one today for no apparent reason. I was anxious leaving the house because I have been suffering from really bad headaches every day and it's had an effect on my daily life routines. But when I drove I was fine, then it came on all of a sudden again, I could handle it this time as it was only small but god I do blame the medication I believe it has triggered the attacks. I haven't had panic attacks since I was 12 at school lol! So I don't know why they come on out of the blue! Last night I had trouble sleeping and I listened to a bit of music with my lamp on, turned it all off, then closed my eyes. Next thing my face twitches and I can't feel my lips they feel numb. I didn't feel I was in my body I felt I was floating maybe. Out of body experience maybe? I turned the light back on and felt a bit nervous as I didn't know what was happening. My head was hurting like it was swimming. Could this be a seizure or something? or a stroke? Today after feeling anxious, I felt better and felt I was becoming more balanced in my head (more normal) the feeling goes and gets heavy. It's all very weird. I am speaking to my Doctor this afternoon, maybe it's best if I have a blood test for epilepsy? Thanks for responding :-)
  7. Hello everyone! I would like to share with you all my recent OCD attacks I have been having lately. I have been driving when these have been happening. Before I took this Zoloft pill (which I believe that has triggered the problem!) I was fine on the motorway I wasn't having any of these attacks of any kind. I do have intrusive thoughts and I will circulate names in my head which is part of my obbsession with my thinking pattern, that seems to be every day now, most days. So once I took that pill I was fine and dandy, really calm and then I thought of a "unwanted thought" (think it was because I didn't have anything else to distract me) and it wasn't a very nice thought, it was a sexual thought and then out of the blue, it was like my mind had a firework explode in my head, the feeling was a sensation like a brain zap or shiver, as I have been doing research and that is what they are called. It has put me off driving long distances, I took the pill early last month and I have been having these brain shivers and shakes all over my body since that pill. Before I had NONE! I had to pull over in a safe place, my face was numb I was trembling and it was scary. I think I was allergic to the pill. Since then I am still having these attacks but not as bad as the first one. My last attack was last week, my arms and fingers were tense and I felt pins and needles and shakiness when I was driving, I struggled to drive further due to being scared as I could not face driving again. PLUS.. I am getting headaches every day is this because of the OCD?? I now take St Johns Wart and Milk Thistle for my OCD. I would just like to know what is causing this to happen? the pill would of been out of my body right now? Another person said it could be that I am having sezuires? Anyone else going through this? x
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