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  1. Hi Dksea and Gemma7 I am still finding my way around the forum - I am sure there is a better way of replying to you both! But I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your messages - your advice and experience is hugely helpful. It has made me feel more hopeful that there is treatment that works and just need to keep pushing forward until we find the right solution for our son. Thanks again. x
  2. Hello I hope someone may be able to steer me in the right direction. I have a 22 year old son who has a diagnosis of OCD. He was diagnosed four years ago. He has horrible, intrusive thoughts, related to mind control, fake realities (that type of thing) and his "compulsions" to counter these thoughts becoming a reality, include praying/wishing (all done quietly to himself) and of course, if not done in the right way, at the right time, using the right words, cause him incredible distress and relentless rumination. He is bright, sociable, funny, kind but this is slowly crippling him. If you met him, you would not have a clue how ill he can be. He is in his final year of university, manages his "worries" for months on end, but on average about every three months, they seem to overwhelm him and he becomes very ill. Exhausted from the mental strain, tearful, angry, fearful and at times we fear suicidal. He has been prescribed Venlafaxine and Olanzapine. He had tried several other medications, but found the side effects intolerable. He started the Venlafaxine around October 2019 and to date not had any significant side effects and he (and we) felt he was improving. Unfortunately, he has crashed again. We thought his trigger for these "lows" was stress related (exams etc) but having just got through a tough set of exams without any severe OCD issues, he has suddenly become unwell. I think it is perhaps the loss of structure, that leading up to the exams he'd had - busy with study groups, lectures, exam prep etc. Ironically that didn't seem to bother him. He sees a psychiatrist for regular reviews (unfortunately there is now a wait of a month before he can get another appointment) and also a therapist. We are looking at alternative therapist to see if we can find someone that perhaps is better suited to our sons needs. My main question at this point is the slight change in this recent episode - his need for constant reassurance from me, either by calling or texting, wanting me to reassure him (by repeating certain phrases, in a certain way) I know from everything I read that I should not be participating in his rituals and largely I don't. i try to stay calm (although I confess I sometimes lose patience), remind him that whilst he feels awful, he has in the past and has always got better etc. etc. But I'm floundering as to know how best to support him. Its awful to watch him suffer and I feel completely useless. Any support or ideas would be most welcome!
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