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  1. Hey everyone! I am currently at a crisis center (a mix of ocd and bipolar disorder). I was wondering if you guys have ever tried Obssessive Compulsive Anonymous and if you found it helpful? What are your thoughts? Thank you
  2. any one else has a fear of being a liar and there for have insane and inapropriate compulsions about telling the 100% truth all the time. This is ruining my relationships .
  3. I asked my doctor this question at out last appointement and I wonder what you guys think of it! This is going to sound stupid so hear me out: what if you actually become your fear (ex: becoming homocidal or pedophile), by becoming it, you won't have intruisive disturbing thoughts about it. You can turn those negative thoughts into positive one. So you will feel better on a day to day basis. Like the thoughts won't be egodistonic, you can actually enjoy them instead of living hell everyday. (i am not encouraging anyone to become homocidal or a pedophile by the way) Any thoughts on that? Let me know what you guys think of this
  4. hi I had a big meltdown yesterday... as doctors say, ocd is the doubting disease and i went banana yesterday night. I have this fear of becoming a pedophile or incest. I went on and off of ''no I am not'' and ''stop being in denial, YOU ARE''. I have bipolar disorder and my last manic episode, I had exposure therapy (for the last time) and I had a script about my ocd to say 10 times a day to expose myself to the thought. I got very happy when I could do it and that excitement turned quickly into mania" And in a manic state I decided that I could do even more than what my doctor recommend for me. I decided that I would masturbate to every single person I had intruisive thoughts about. In my mind I was like : stuff ocd, I am stronger than you. You can imagine how deep I felt when I got out of that episode. Let's just say I ended up in the hospital for a week. The point is; I forced myself to feel aroused by the thought of my fears (ocd) and it worked. I messed my own brain up. I unwired it literally. And now, I keep looking back at that and wonder if that's what I am actually attracted too? And now I only get arroused when seeing a kid or someone that I used to have intruisive thoughts about. I am still wondering if I am not or if I am in denial.
  5. Hi! I had a very similar experience about the masturbation compulsion. I am still confused and lost myself but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone living with this specific situation! Best of luck xx
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