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  1. I’ve been with my Wife for 7 years and from the beginning she has shown to not like germs/hospitals etc, so I have never pushed them on her. I have a disability so I tend to have appointments frequently which I will take my mum to. Over the last 2 years my wife’s OCD is extreme. I have to wash my hair multiple times a day to the point it’s actually falling out. Nothing I do in the house is good enough and always a problem for example stacking the dish washer will cause me to get shouted at and told off that I’m not good enough. The main impact is the relationship with my mum as my mum works at a hospital. I’m not allowed in my mums house and she is not allowed in mine, we are also not allowed in each other’s cars. We are not allowed to hug or touch….at my stillborn twins funeral I had to instruct my mum to stay away from me all day incase she contaminated me. My wife constantly says I don’t respect her when all I have done for the whole time we where together is follow every rule and ritual I am ordered to do. She has had 15 sessions of CBT and overcome certain things like not washing her hair after the cinema….but everything to do with me and mum is still very toxic and if I even mention my mums name all hell breaks lose. I’m scared of my future because at the moment it looks very bleak. Please help me, my family say she’s just controlling me everyday with things that are nothing to do with her OCD and each day I’m starting to think they are right! There must be a line drawn somewhere and I think I need to start looking out my myself? Am I wrong for putting me first?
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