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Guest Daisy_88

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Guest Sisyphus

Ah no I'm sorry TnR - misunderstanding - I'm not better yet. Just doing CBT. Early days. Had one false start. Struggling truth be told.

I check the damned car too. And the house doors. Annoyingly checking isn't even my main thing.

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Guest thorns and roses

I have to check the god damm car door about give six times. And still wonder if its defently locked ... People must think... What is that women doing ... I must look like a crazy one lol. i also wondered if its normal a trait i have wen out shopping i will inspect something if i intend on buying it to make sure its not cracked or scratched. If i see inperfections i willl look at same product but another one.. is this ocd too also taken things bak to shop befor because i see flaws in things and ask to exchange for another. ty ;:) dont know if that is normal it sure does not feel normal to me... Its exshausting.

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Guest thorns and roses

Would u say u think alot im reading my own thoughts all of the time like my mind never ever switches off.. Could do with a remote controle lol or a diazapam helps from time to time :) i would love to press that pause button

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Guest Sisyphus

Well the things you're describing are classic OCD-related behaviours. It's hard to define for me, as I always understood OCD needs an element of anxiety attached to the obessions which then triggers the compulsive behaviour. Sometimes I fail to see this anxiety element and it just seems to be obsessive behaviour. But maybe that's somehow still OCD. I don't know, my understanding of it is still not completely formed at this point.

But if it's any consolation I do the checking with the car too and worry what my neighbours think. And to a certain extent I do also look for undamaged products with no dents or scratches, and it bothers me that people pick anything up. Also I can spend an age searching for meat without fat on it - well with the minimum amount of fat. Or the perfect apples. etc etc etc. I automatically go for the thing behind the thing at the front as I ivsualise everyone mauling the thing at the front. I always feel like a total fruit loop when Im out shopping anyway.

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Guest Sisyphus

Would u say u think alot im reading my own thoughts all of the time like my mind never ever switches off.. Could do with a remote controle lol or a diazapam helps from time to time :) i would love to press that pause button

Yes I frequently wish I could switch off my mind, as it automatically and very quickly drifts into that zone of trying to find things to trip me up. And yes, sometimes I do try to relax and not think and it happens anyway - just an analytical mind gone permanently AWOL. It got old a looooong time ago. I just want it over now.

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Guest thorns and roses

God could u ever imagin a group of people with ocd going shopping together . heeee I am the same when i go shopping i can not get the items at the front i have to get third or fourth i too think of everyone touching... I have a germ fear too . Wen i get in from shopping i have to wash my hands then i feel bit more relaxed . Our poor brains huh .. I think our brains deserves a medal from this ocd :)

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Guest thorns and roses

When i check lids are on or ive checked anything i have to twist it or move it three times... It is driving me insane . I also tend to stand things up straight . Neatly . Wen my curtain pole went wonky that came out of the screw that completly bugged me lol its like i know i dont need to check butni literally can not stop.... argghhhh :::((

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Guest thorns and roses

As for the apples yes ive literally stood in the co -op shop for ten mins looking for the nicest looking apples . Then stood in the queue tonpay for shopping .loonnggg queue . Get to till to relise one of applesb in bag is bruised so leave queue to ho back to apples to then repeat a apple parade again now i bet your not as bad as me lol :(

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Guest thorns and roses

Done that with many items . now the people behind me in queue like bit as they get to go ahead . But i literally spend too long in a shop.. My family cant go shopping with me they say its torture lol they shud try living in my head then they will know the true meaning of that word :)

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Guest Sisyphus

When i check lids are on or ive checked anything i have to twist it or move it three times... It is driving me insane . I also tend to stand things up straight . Neatly . Wen my curtain pole went wonky that came out of the screw that completly bugged me lol its like i know i dont need to check butni literally can not stop.... argghhhh :: :((

I dont get that with lids, I bet others on here do though. We all have a different mix of stuff going on. Words trip me up, even sounds. I can be a little OTT about neatness.

Yes it's like an itch that you need to scratch isn't it. A very nasty phenomenon that sounds simple but is far from easy to stop.

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Guest thorns and roses

Defently a itch that makesbu scratch till your skin is off kinda itch... To be honest i think i fuzz over everything... Cant even have the tv volum on certain numbers . i think i was proberley dropped on my head at birth or something all i know is my brain is a constsnt bloody pain in the backside to me .. Well my thoughts are :(

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Guest Sisyphus

God could u ever imagin a group of people with ocd going shopping together . heeee I am the same when i go shopping i can not get the items at the front i have to get third or fourth i too think of everyone touching... I have a germ fear too . Wen i get in from shopping i have to wash my hands then i feel bit more relaxed . Our poor brains huh .. I think our brains deserves a medal from this ocd :)

That's odd - I replied to this - not sure where that went. I was syaing it would be a good idea for a comedy movie. And that I go for stuff 3rd or 4th back too - the further back the better, as long as its in good condition. And I wash my hands when I come home too. Pretty much when I do anything I guess.

As for the apples yes ive literally stood in the co -op shop for ten mins looking for the nicest looking apples . Then stood in the queue tonpay for shopping .loonnggg queue . Get to till to relise one of applesb in bag is bruised so leave queue to ho back to apples to then repeat a apple parade again now i bet your not as bad as me lol :(

I probably would not take myself out of the queue to go back as I find the whole queue thing nauseating too and want to get it over with! But as bad in every other respect I think The bruises kill me.

Thank u for all your advice:)

You are welcome TnR - but it also just occurred to me that we've pretty much hijacked Daisy's thread here :shy: so I tell you what - if you'd like to carry on chatting - please could I ask you to send me a PM. Is that OK?

You can do it by clicking on my picture and it's towards the top right - "Send me a message".

Sorry - I promise don't mean that funny or anything! Just feel bad for doing a whole new conversation on top of Daisy's original. Hope that makes sense.

Defently a itch that makesbu scratch till your skin is off kinda itch... To be honest i think i fuzz over everything... Cant even have the tv volum on certain numbers . i think i was proberley dropped on my head at birth or something all i know is my brain is a constsnt bloody pain in the backside to me .. Well my thoughts are :(

YEah me too. But nothing youve mentioned is unusual in OCD so you're nto crazy - it all sounds like OCD so hopefully it can be treated but it will take time and a solid commitment. Edited by Sisyphus
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Guest thorns and roses

Ive felt people stare at me when i have been in shopsnsonit mut be bad enough for people to look and think ummmm what is she doing .... Tgata why im hoping cbt helps . I feel very paranoid with my anxiaty anyway is that normal ?... If normal exsists :)

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Guest thorns and roses

Omg i jut relised that yes u are right .sorry daisy i didnt relise till u just said that oppsss . Yes i willll messsage you .. Thank u :)

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Guest Sisyphus

Omg i jut relised that yes u are right .sorry daisy i didnt relise till u just said that oppsss . Yes i willll messsage you .. Thank u :)

Nah you didn't do anything wrong. Just thought we'd better move it somewhere else in case Daisy wants to carry on this thread. But you haven;t done anything wrong TnR honest.
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Guest Daisy_88

Hijackers! :D

Just joking!

Au contraire! I just don't jive with scary sci-fi horror monsters that can fly at you and bite your face off while you're innocently dipping your digestive biscuit in you tea on the sofa. I know, I know, I'm picky like that.

I guess people are either into that stuff or not. There's something basically wrong with snakes and tarantulas though. I'm sorry. There's a reason they've never been the hero in a Disney movie.

p.s. sorry - didn't mean to criticise your pets or something. I admire anyone who has no fear of these things. I just dunno if I could be around them like that. Indiana Jones was afraid of snakes and he was AWESOME - jus sayin.

I worked in a reptile shop, so doesn't matter.. I heard it all before :D all day every day!
We had a snake called fluffy.. 8 meters long or so.. she did have a bit of a temper!
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Guest Sisyphus

Hijackers! :D

Just joking!


I worked in a reptile shop, so doesn't matter.. I heard it all before :D all day every day!

We had a snake called fluffy.. 8 meters long or so.. she did have a bit of a temper!

Ah I'm sorry - didn't mean to be rude about pets. I've nothing against snakes or spiders or people who keep them. I just can't see myself having them as a pet I dont think. 8 meters is a dragon isn't it?
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Guest thorns and roses

We hijacked ur post daisy and started rambling on about bruised rotton apples heee and fatty meats. ur post was turned into a shopping list heeeeeee xxx

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Guest thorns and roses

Was my first day on here yesterday and i hijacked someones post already lol it was sisyphus's fault heeeeeeee . only kidding i just got carried away with ocd talking about dreaded shopping lol. x :)

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Guest Daisy_88

That's okay Sisyphus! Everybody has their own type of "pet".. Mine seem to be weird.. I had a Brian once, he was a giant African land snail!

ieeeuww! Fatty meats! I don't do fatty meats!

i cut the bruises off the apples before i eat them.. Wont eat bananas when they start to get those brown spots on them... Yukkie!

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Guest Sisyphus

Nice Magic Roundabout tribute there ;)

Indeed - each to their own. Chacun a son escargot.

I cut the bruises off too. Trouble is after they've been picked prematurely and flown round the world for 6 months in a series of refrigerated aircraft, they tend to have bruises. Sometimes I end up skinning the whole thing, which is bad cos we're meant to eat the whole apple or nothing. I can no longer eat bananas - used to take them to work every day and got so sick of them I can't face them now. Plus the obvious horrendous work association of course. Plus they're foul! But yes, when they are too old they go all sugary and disgusting so definitely avoid them then.

Ah another fatty meat hater - maybe this whole OCD thing is a phobia of fatty meats and bruised apples after all. I'm off to write an award winning book...

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Guest Daisy_88

Hey! Don't we get any credit?! :D

but yes, iek ! On the fatty meat thing.. That's why i hate meat being covered in thick sauces... Good thing with the lactose intolerance i cant have many of the thick sauces anymore! :D

mmm yes fruit and veg takes way too long before it gets to us these days.....

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Guest Sisyphus

Hey! Don't we get any credit?! :D

but yes, iek ! On the fatty meat thing.. That's why i hate meat being covered in thick sauces... Good thing with the lactose intolerance i cant have many of the thick sauces anymore! :D

mmm yes fruit and veg takes way too long before it gets to us these days.....

Yes, yes, I'll mention you in the achnowledgements. Or at the end of my awards speech. Maybe. Don't quote me on that.

It certainly does, some of it is unripe and has no flavour.

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Guest Daisy_88

Thank god for that! I thought you might forget me! :D

Fruit and veg don't taste like anything much anymore.. Apples used to have a real nice smell, now they just smell of nothing... Such a shame.

i also have a fear of prawns and rice pudding.. Well fear? the smell and look of it makes me vomit.

Prawns I can explain: used to love them untill I had severe food poisoning at about age 6. I can remember that like it was yesterday.

Rice pudding just looks like ...... should I even say? okay here goes: maggots in porridge.

I cant eat anything that is like sauce and rice mixed up.. But rice pudding .. the smell... YUK!

Thinking of that, rice pudding probably contains milk, so no loss for me then!

Edited by Daisy_88
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