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OCD making memory less specific

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Does anyone else ever worry about OCD making their memory a lot less specific? 

I don’t mean false memories. 

It’s like I sometimes have moments where it’s like I’ve genuinly forgotten all the useful strategies I learnt in CBT or through self help books and then after I’ve fallen back into a relapse I’ll only remember how to get myself out of it after thinking hard for a while. So frustrating. 

I feel before I speak I sometimes have to mentally rehearse what I’m saying because I worry I’ll forget it otherwise. 

It means I keep ruminating over things and the “right way” to feel better as I feel like I forget the correct way to react to uncertainty.

Can ocd do this? Is there anything I can do to help with this? 

Thank you x   

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I am diagnosed with OCD and depression. I have very specific memories which for depression is unusual. Generally people with depression tend to have generalised memories. When I had therapy we had a discussion about this. I was an unusual case. A good therapist will be flexible and open to minority experiences.

People with OCD often do not trust their memories. That is part of the reason why checkers like me re-check things. My checking is about checking physical things like bags of rubbish that nothing of value is in them. Having said that this form of checking does not preoccupy me too much now. I just dumped bags of rubbish in the bins without checking.

The form of memory problems you describe might be due to stress. I find it difficult to retain and recall information if I am stressed. Also we tend to fall back into past learned behaviour. Sometimes it is a very conscious effort to recall new information and implement it into new patterns of behaviour.

Do not be too hard on yourself. But perhaps just keep some brief notes of tips to remind you of recent lessons.

Edited by Angst
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