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  1. Thank you Gemma, I appreciate the reply and advice. Its hard because I panic when i start displaying certain OCD behaviours again as a couple of years ago, I got to the stage where I couldn't get out of bed and I've worked so hard to mend so that scared me! I know OCD never fully goes and I mostly cope with the obsessions and ruminations I have on a daily basis, but the work aspect spirals quickly. I've had a sleep and I'm feeling slightly less stressed so I think tiredness may have triggered me too! I purchased break free from OCD last year but never got deep into reading it, so perhaps I'll give it another go ?.
  2. Hi guys, It's been a while since I have been on these chats. I lost my mum just over a year ago and have been in a dark hole ever since, however I am starting to heal now, as much as one can. But the downside to this, is that the low mood was almost a distraction from my OCD, and as I get better, I feel myself getting back into old routines and rituals without even noticing! I work in healthcare which is a lot at the moment in itself, but this evening I have been on a night shift, and I had a very close contact with a dirty needle whilst working. I immediately took my gloves off and checked for any puncture sites, and there was none. I washed my hands a few times and then hand sanitised (as it often stings if there are any cuts) and nothing. Yet I cant shake the feeling that Ive stabbed myself even though there is no evidence to suggest so. I keep checking my hands over and over again and I'm worried that this is the start to a massive downfall! Sorry for the rant, just felt like typing this out, may help to release some of the anxiety I am feeling? does anyone have any good advice on what they do when they feel themselves slipping back into OCD's clutches. Thanks x
  3. Hey guys, So I'm having a really rough time. My mum passed away last week and I'm devastated, but to make matters worse, my OCD is flaring up from the stress of it all. Has anyone got any advice to help calm the obsessions just while I'm dealing with everything that I need to at the moment, as my cbt is now on hold.
  4. I love this idea! Never thought of it that way but that's definitely helpful. Yeah I was the same with homework but at least you're acknowledging that there may be a bit of procrastination there Haha! They may not believe you on that one ? Hope your review goes well!
  5. Hey closed for repairs, I have started silver cloud a couple of weeks ago through the same route in which you did. I'm glad you're finding you're supporter helpful, I'm very worried about the telephone reviews as I'm not great on the phone and find it uncomfortable! I know it all seems uncomfortable at the moment but remember to take your time, I'm sure you will get there. Just remember how well you're doing to be seeking help, it's a big step. Thank you for sharing your experience with it all as it helps me to have an understanding of what is to come.
  6. Welcome and well done for being brave and taking the first step! I myself, have made my first post on this forum today, so things are equally new but we are all in this together, right? I have a busy life schedule so have been referred for online CBT, maybe this can be an option to start with when you're ready? It's important to remember there's options out there if you want them
  7. Thank you for your help and support, you've given me that bit of confidence that I needed to hear today. I will continue with my book and see what I can get out of it! Hopefully things start to make more sense as I practice CBT more and more so I can go back to a bit of normality in life.
  8. Hi gemma7, Thanks for the reply it's super helpful to hear that cbt worked for you and I'm glad you're coping better. I'm still making my way through the book so I haven't used any of it yet but I'm hoping it will prove helpful with time and learning to understand the condition is starting to help me realise when some thoughts are irrational. I feel the CBT helps when I'm doing it but when I'm away from my laptop and in the 'real world' it's hard to apply it and I easily become overwhelmed again? I struggle mostly with contamination OCD, and I work in a health care setting so this is just getting worse and my main worry is not being able to continue a job I usually love. Did you have any trouble with sleep and keeping thoughts away in the night when you had flare ups with your ocd? Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it x
  9. Hi all. I have recently started receiving help for OCD despite struggling with it for around 13 years. I have begun an online CBT therapy (as the waiting list for in person is long) and I am on anti depressants. I have done some self reading including the book 'break free from OCD'. And I have told my personal tutor at uni who is lovely. I suppose what I want to know is, does it get easier? I'm still really struggling with my thoughts and I still feel anxious all of the time. In recent months it got to the stage where I couldn't go to work and also affected my uni work. I'm just worried I'll never be able to cope like I did before. Is there anything else that might be helpful for me to try as well as the things I already have in place? I think it would be useful for me to hear of others who have been in the same boat. Thank you x
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